This sub-site is for discussing use cases and requirements for appropriate global feature classifications and for introducing good practices and proposals for a classification that would meet the requirements set in paper E/CONF.101/56 and discussed here in this sub-site. The proposals may be based on existing classifications introduced in sub-site F3.3, or they may be new approaches, probably uploaded there, too. Because UNGEGN members typically represent national data providers, international initiatives (e.g. UNSDI Gazetteer Framework, UNECA African GeoNyms Project, other UN bodies) are invited to participate, too.

The following questions are to be discussed:

F3.2-Q1: Can you list or describe use cases for an appropriate global classification for named features?
F3.2-Q2: What are the most important requirements for global feature classifications?
F3.2-Q3: There may be different requirements for different use cases. How should this be solved?
F3.2-Q4: Do you know good practices or have a proposal for a global feature classification that would meet (at least partly) the given requirements?
F3.2-Q5: Do you have general or other questions or comments to this sub-site Requirements and use cases?