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  •  proposal for technical approach

> Kick-off meeting

# tour de table: AT, DE, DK, EL, ES, FR, LT, NL, PL, SE, SK + JRC

# scope of work > introducing

  • elaboration/submission of an INSPIRE good practice
  • no replacement(!), provide an alternative

# data and service linking

  • current approach complicated/partly ambiguous, duplicate information
  • low accessibility to dataset

# technical challenges

  • starting from proposal in discussion paper
  • action 2019.2 recap (use of "protocol" + "applicationProfile")

(Frage) another open question should be: how to handle different constraints (licences) between dataset and services?

# organization of work

  • march: collect proposals for technical approaches
  • april/may: evaluate pro/con of proposals
  • may/june: draft TG proposal
  • may/june: set up of showcase of discovery service
  • july: present result at 66th MIG-T-meeting
  • november: submit good practice at 14th MIG meeting

= new development on geoportal, outcome of this sub-group relevant/important
= discuss with Geonetwork team on implementing this new dataset-service linking
= next meeting - beginning of april