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The issue  "Art 14 portrayal rules: remove the obligation to provide a single layer for each occurrence of a code list value in the data set. This would require amending Article 14 (3) of the INSPIRE Implementing Rule." was reported and discussed in the 12th and 13th Meeting of INSPIRE Committee, but was not further pursued later. 

The issue has come into focus again in the provision of viewing services for the INSPIRE topic "distribution of species" in Germany. The provision of viewing sets is technically not feasablte due to the very large number of codelistvalues in the dataset. 

we transform recommendation Article 14(3): (at least) one layer with all feature type

ggf. Hinweis auf positiionspapier biodiversität und Leitfaden in Deutschland gruppen von arten zusammenfassen statt einzellayer pro art
und View Service WMS validator too strict: harmonized layer names should not be mandatory #39