Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Notizen zum Meeting 16.09.2021 ergänzt


  • workflow and issue template added to TG repository
  • helpdesk facilitators will go through 82 change requests of former Community Forum and add them to GitHub, if still relevant
  • change requests that are already approved don't need to go through the whole process
  • discussion about versioning of schemas and updating UML models → needs to be further elaborated
  • change proposals to schemas and TG (opinion of the sub-group 2.3.1 is documented on GitHub)  

16.09.2021 Status Meeting



  • Jordi Escriu (neu beim JRC) will take the lead of sub-group 2.3.1
  • all change proposals regarding schemas approved by INSPIRE CT/MIG-T and by INSPIRE MIG in July 2021
  • release plan: release 2021.2 (planned for summer 2021) was postponed (further discussion on versioning rules needed)
  • TGs können jetzt konvertiert werden (JRC hat halb-automatisches Verfahren entwickelt und erfolgreich getestet)

INSPIRE schemas

  • versioning of schema releases

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  • restructuring the schema repository

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  • JRC hat lange über die verschiedenen Varianten diskutiert und ist noch nicht abschließend zu einer Lösung gekommen
  • other idea: use Git-version possibilities to maintain schemas (e.g. use branches) → URIs sollen nicht "github" enthalten, sondern die offzielle "inspire" URL → a harmonisation of both approaches might be interesting, e.g. output of latest schemas to official repository
  • discussion will be continued after the meeting

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  • discussion on new change proposals
    • issue #6 (issue #1 and #3 closed)
    • issue #2 → add a new requirement instead of a note? sub-group agreed that a change is needed → approved by sub-group
    • issue #7 → guidance just informative (not a recommendation)


  • use of milestones in github