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Kommentar: Einladung zum Workshop "RWS Proof of Concept - INSPIRE Good Practice Coverages" am 18.11.2021 ergänzt


TOPThemaWeiterführende Informationen
2Governance of INSPIRE Artefacts
3Status Evaluierung INSPIRE-Richtlinie
4Status Änderungsverfahren Interoperabilitätsverordnung
5Implementierung von WCS für Höhendaten unter INSPIRE (Gastbeitrag)

titleEinladung zum Workshop "RWS Proof of Concept - INSPIRE Good Practice Coverages" am 18.11.2021 ...

RWS Proof of Concept – INSPIRE Good Practice Coverages

Thursday, November 18, 2021. 13:15 – 15:30

In the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat (RWS*) has been designated to make the soil height of the Netherlands available as grids for European targets. In the past year they have carried out a Proof of Concept of the INSPIRE Good Practice coverages (PoC) in order to gain insight into the organizational and technical barriers and to solve them where possible.

In this online meeting, the team will share the experiences and discuss how to use the results

The information is actively managed and offered via

An example for which the coverages form a basis is an interactive web app to make a time travel for example through Landsat images (1984-2021) for every location in Europe. Go to Streamlit for Geospatial ( and select “Create Timelapse”

Participation in this meeting is open, access via the following link:

We look forward to welcoming you there!

Herzo van der Wal (RWS) & Kathi Schleidt (DataCove)

* RWS is part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands.

6Weitere Aktivitäten in der MIG-T
