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Next steps

  • (Frage) short MIG-T meeting on 7th october, physical meeting in on 24/25th november (b2b with MIG in Brussels)

17.04.2023 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Präsentationen / Notizen

Change proposals on INSPIRE schemas

Change proposals on INSPIRE TGs

Next steps

  • discussions and voting on the change proposals → next MIG-T on  

10.11.2023 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Daniela Witter 




  • Verordnung zur Änderung der Interoperabilitätsverordnung ist veröffentlicht und tritt am in Kraft → Die davon abhängigen Change Proposals können nun umgesetzt werden.
  • 74th MIG-T meeting: alle Änderungsvorschläge wurden angenommen
  • kein Release der UML Schemata, da alle Änderungen eine Änderung der Interoperabilitätsverordnung bedingen

Implementation of GP on Data and Service Linking Simplification

  • Good Practice zur Vereinfachung der Daten-Dienste-Kopplung wurde angenommen → Umsetzung: Änderungsvorschlag für die TG Metadaten (#108) und in den TG View und Download Services (#105, #110, #112) und neue ATS/ETS für INSPIRE Validator: "Conformance Class 2d INSPIRE Data-Service Linking Simplification Good Practice"
  • Verabschiedung der Änderungen in den TGs durch die MIG(-T) erforderlich? 

Change proposals on INSPIRE Technical Guidance

  • #82 (PR #83) - Auswirkungen auf andere Requirements wurden geprüft und CR und PR entsprechend angepasst → approved
  • #84 - no feedback from MIG-T so far, very specific requirement from one member state with a high impact (changes in the IR required) → no agreement at the moment, further information required
  • #105, #108, #110, #112 - alle Änderungen, die Bezug zum GP zur Vereinfachung der Daten-Dienst-Kopplung haben, haben keine Auswirkungen auf existierende Implementierungen (non-breaking changes) und werden der MIG-T zur Entscheidung vorgelegt mit der Bitte diese bis zur Sitzung in Brüssel dezidiert zu prüfen
  • #115 - no suitable element was found to map the resolution of a raster in an atom feed → CP wird erneut evaluiert, wenn ein konkreter Vorschlag für ein mapping vorliegt

Next steps

  • next MIG-T meeing in Brussels at the end of november
  • next sub-group meeting before MIG Meeting if needed
  • next releases at the end of january 2024

Change proposals on INSPIRE Registry

  • #6 - new attributes to include links to the schema repository and to the UML model → approved
  • #14 - 5 items have no descriptions → approved, but expert input needed for missing descriptions (e. g. European Geological Survey)
  • #28 - on hold, change in TG of natural risk zones is needed first
  • #34 - IR references Interinstitutional style guide → CP rejected, but reference link should be changed (new change proposal to change the link to Interinstitutional style guide and use two-letter codes)

06.05.2024 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Daniela Witter 



Change proposals on INSPIRE Technical Guidance

  • #172 - View Services TG - Deprecate WMS 1.1.1

Image Added

    • DE: WMS 1.1.1 is still partly used in Germany, as it has proven itself and is considered by some data providers to be more reliable than 1.3.0. Therefore, I cannot agree today.
    • PL: From Polish perspective we prefere WMS 1.3 and don't recomment to use v1.1.1. 
    • DK: I agree with the change proposal.
    • ES: In Spain the WMS INSPIRE services are 1.3.0.
    • IT: In Italy is acepted only 1.3.0.
    • PL: But if some countries use v1.1.1 eg. DE, the TG could be stay without changes and the MS's can decided what version use.
    • Wait for additional feedback. DE will add some further explanation to the ticket.
  • #173 - LU - Correct broken link
    • sub-group approved change proposal - trivial change, can be changed without further vote of MIG/MIG-T
  • #174 - GE - Major update of TG to version 3.3
    • sub-group approved change proposal, pull request on concrete changes will be provided for the next MIG-T Meeting
    • corresponding changes in the registry, schemas and validator

Change proposals on INSPIRE Schemas

  • #123 - PF_Link from ProductionSite to ProductionFacility is missing
    • DK: no mistake, information is in the data itself
    • JRC: If not wrong INSPIRE D2.5 was recommending only unidirectional relationships.
    • more evidence needed, DK will add a comment

Change proposals on INSPIRE Registry

  • intermediate release 2024.1b (changes derived from the amendment of interoperability regulation
  • #92 - add CRS EPSG:3794 to the list of accepted CRS, consider adding EPSG:4326 as well
    • JRC: EPSG:4326 should NOT be added
    • sub-group approved change proposal
  • #84-#87 - translation issues DE
    • sub-group approved change proposals
  • #17 - add 2 new items in the Protocol Value code list
    • sub-group approved change proposal
  • #71 - the code list for the country codes has to refer to the Interinstitutional style guide
  • #28 - INSPIRE layer register
    • IT: change of technical guidelines not necessary
    • go ahead with the change proposal, but not foreseen for the next release
  • #21 - inconsistencies
    • JRC propose not to correct this minor inconsistencies (too much effort and minor benefit)
    • sub-group agreed to reject change proposal
