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ParticipantsWorking Group on Geographical Names Data Management (38 participants

Friday, 16.04.2021, 22:00 CET

ParticipantsCatherine, Susan, Wendy, Pier-Giorgio (and maybe Victoria and Cecille)

Meeting Agenda for 21.04.2021, 14:00-15:30 CET


Welcome the participants, no round table

Web Meeting rules

  • Please always keep your microphone muted while you are not speaking

  • Please keep your video turned off unless speaking

  • Please do use the chat or “raise your (virtual) hand” if you wish to make comments and/or ask questions

  • Please silence your cell phone, especially when you are speaking

Working Group Screenshot/foto

25'Updates on arrangements for the 2nd UNGEGN Session Wendy, Pier-Giorgio
  • provision of latest news on the organisational setup for the Session
  • According to the 'Organization of Work' (GEGN.2/2019/3) the Session on Item 14 will take place on Thursday, 6 May, 3-5 pm

The WG meeting will be after the global conversation on the 15th which will have prepared most (maybe not everyone) for the session. The idea is to just summarize the information provided on the 15th and allow for any question by WG members

Re Report WG GNDM

Points for discussion

The Group of Experts is invited to:

(a) Adopt and formally ratify the name change to ’Working Group on Geographical Names Data Management’ and to update the provisional agenda for the UNGEGN Session 2023 accordingly

Key points:

Written Statements by WG members through Member States


(b) Take note of the report and progress made by the Working Group on Geographical Names Data Management;

(c) Express its views on the way forward concerning the Working Group’s work plan and the upcoming actions for 2021-2023

(d) Express its support on the maintenance of the Online Discussion Forum as a useful tool for the exchange of ideas on new and well-known issues


Statements through the chat during the meeting

Interventions from the floor during the virtual session, if time permits.

At the session the Chair is requested to summarize the Written Statements and the Statements provided through the chat during the session

325'Tasks related to the WG issues arising from the Draft Strategic Plan & Programme of Work

Pier-Giorgio jointly with others:

Catherine (romanization), Susan (Linked Data), Wendy (Cultural Heritage)

  • outcome from the online consultationoverview on the tasks related to the WG issues
  • questions & answers
  • proposals for the organization of future work

The intention is to share views on the references/content for strategy 1 and the other strategies where WG GNDM is mentioned


(+++ NOW including the names of the WG members willing to contribute! — other volunteers are welcome!!!+++)

Must be:

(1) list the PoW items for which the WG has responsibility → done (Haken)

(2) identify the WGs role in that action

→ proposed (linked extract document) (Haken) and to be discussed

Next steps:

(3) prioritise WG's focus (including differentiating between ongoing activities and specific projects)

→ to be discussed, but not in detail at this meeting

(4) allocate responsible people within the WG in the meetingIf

nobody volunteers propose another WG meeting after the UNGEGN Session to achieve the organisation of work→ volunteers are welcome!

(5) compare the items currently published under work plan and action items on the website, and incorporate anything that didn't make it in to the UNGEGN PoW
done (Haken)done (Haken)

(6) follow up meeting after the UNGEGN Session in the 2nd week of Juni to specify the tasks and there outcome (i.e. frequent reports) → Item 8


All relevant tasks for the WG are already included in the PoW.

A newly formatted work plan and is not needed, the compilation of action items for the WG is an extraction of / a reference to the section in the PoW

To be clarified by the Expanded Bureau:

  • Which WG takes over the lead for a certain subtask?
  • How should the coordination between the WGs been managed?

To be clarified within the next WG GNDM meeting:

  • how should the work on the subtasks been organised?
  • which deliverables / outcome / findings are expected and proposed?
    • Reports, Applications, ...?

415'Overview on the Working papers submitted under agenda item 14 for the 2nd UNGEGN Session Pier-Giorgio
  • provision Provision of an overview on the submitted papers
  • 12 W.P., 9 to be presented, 3 for information only
    • Germany (2x), Australia, Norden Division, Indonesia, Japan (2x), Canada, Peru
    • Poland, Netherlands, China


  • Working Group Report
  • Linked Data — CRP.6  ( interesting relation to CRP.12 under item 6a)
  • Standardized names by language
  • web-based application, web maps
  • national and regional databases and services

Chairing the Session under item 14 (120'):

  • Opening: Opening statement by the Chair = 2'
  • Presentation: 5' presentation for each paper = 45'
  • Discussion: ca. 5' discussion time for each paper = ca. 45'
  • Closing: Summary of Written Statements (and possibly of the 'Chat statements') by the Chair = ca. 10-15'

The intention is to

  • stimulate the WG members to prepare questions in order to have an interactive UNGEGN session under item 14
  • motivate the WG members to provide Written Statements, particularly on the 'name change' of the WG


The thematic/topical questions should be discussed at the session. The intention is to stimulate the WG members to prepare questions to have an interactive UNGEGN sessionChair of the session will summarize the Written Statements and the Statements provided through the chat

Re Report WG GNDM

Points for discussion

The Group of Experts is invited to:

(a) Adopt and formally ratify the name change to ’Working Group on Geographical Names Data Management’ and to update the provisional agenda for the UNGEGN Session 2023 accordingly

Written Statements by WG members through Member States on agenda item 14


515'Issues related to the ‘Linked Data’ topic
  • explanation of and discussion about the submitted paper and its proposed conclusion
Discussion and proposals for any next steps should be discussed at the session.

The intention is to stimulate the WG members to prepare questions to have an interactive UNGEGN session

Discussion and proposals for any next steps should be discussed at the session or provided through Written Statements.

CRP.12 - under item 6a:

New national geographical names archives service

CRP.6 - under item 14:

Linked Data considerations for geographical names standardisation

610'Update on the plans for the UNGEGN World GN Web Map ApplicationCecille / Secretariat
  • information about the current developments & plans
Update UNGEGN World Geo Names -April 2021
75'Evaluation & Assessment of the ‘Online Discussion Forum’ (Wiki) Catherine/Susan
  • message: weak/no interaction in the discussion forum / Wiki since 2019!
  • Proposal: use the wiki as documentation platform but not as discussion tool for frequent communication

Decommissioning of the online forum and using the wiki as a platform for info sharing

Open up the 'Discussion Forum' again (no restriction/limitation) for everybody

Regular web meetings for "communication" of the Working Group and to monitor progress towards the PoW 

83'AOB - Next meeting of WG GNDMPier-Giorgio
  • request follow up virtual meeting after the Session in May/June 2021

To be claridfied within the next WG GNDM meeting:

  • Agree upon regular Working Group web meetings (quartarly/biennally?)

Next steps/tasks before the meetings starts:


Documents for preparation