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Updates of 25.06.2024 displayed in green and status as defined

ParticipantsWorking Group on Geographical Names Data Management

Workplan for Working Group GNDM - based on UNGEGN's Programme of Work

Subtask Action Item

Subtask Action Items (#)

Actors / ResponsibilityOutput and Time FrameAction Item WG Task TeamCaring Colleague for WGProposed Approach Proposed Outcome/DeliverablesProposed DeadlineStatus (done,
in progress
, delayed)
Provide consultancy to the developments related to the UNGEGN database, UNECA “UNECA Africa GeoNyms database/gazetteer initiative”, the INSPIRE initiative, the UN and European gazetteer projects, the GIS web-based World Geonames Application and other projects of developing countries1-i-1Bureau,
Task Team for Africa

Report on progress for each UNGEGN session to 2029

(if appropriate to be included in the report of the WG GNDM)


Contributions to Training Courses on Toponymy to be assessed annually


Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu
  1. UNGEGN database: Discuss and provide feedback to new developments
  2. UNECA: Contact UNECA (André Nouguierma) to get information on the progress on GeoNyms
  3. Contributions to Training Courses on Toponymy to be assessed and reported 
  4. Open Regional Gazetteer for Europe: Report about the progress at each Session

Update (as part of the WG report) at each Session05-

delayed (pending) for UNECA

in progress for all other items

See details

to be started

Evaluate and assess exchange standards for geographical names information and for web services (gazetteer, feature and mapping) for the provision of geographical names information

(comprising the review of Part II of the UNGEGN Technical Reference Manual)



other members/countries

Report on exchange standards in 2023

Task Team of WG members:

Roman Stani-Fertl, Peder Gammeltoft Teemu Leskinen, Peeter Päll, Convenor


Teemu Leskinen

Some preliminary thoughts for consideration (TL):

  1. Compile a structured and annotated list on standards with relevance to GN data exchange, dissemination and integration and provide links to relevant sources on their GN data related properties
  2. Invite countries, organizations and UNGEGN members to provide thoughts, examples as well as data providers’ and users’ experiences on the application of the standards

(Comments 01.10.2021)

separate Report at the next UNGEGN Session

Update (as part of the WG report) at each Session

On geographical names data modelling and transfer related standards, manuals, or guidelines – some ideas from the Working Group on Geographical Names Data Management



(but, document to be published on UNGEGN's website)

See details

to be started

Present geographical names data management topics at national and international conferences organized in the fields of geospatial information management

1-i-3WG GNDM

Assess annually


Convenor and other WG members

Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu
  1. Inform the
  1. Convenor about contributions / presentations (providing titles, authors) of relevant conference papers 
  2. Provide short summaries of the contributions /presentations to be included in a sub-Wiki-page "Representation"
  3. use social media to support this action item by circulating upcoming meetings, presentation (notify the WG P&F)

Update (as part of the WG report) at each session05-

In progress

See details

to be started

Promote, agree and disseminate romanization systems for national and global use

1-i-4WG GNDM,
Assess annually

Catherine Cheetham

Catherine Cheetham
  1. WG RS convenors to liaise with Member States to assist donor countries in developing and putting forward for adoption scientific romanization systems, as part of core role of WG.
  2. Promote and disseminate adopted romanization systems to all UNGEGN Member states

Update (as part of the WG report) at each session05-

In progress

See details

to be started

Promote and support the establishment of an authoritative international database/gazetteer of geographical names to be disseminated to the public through UNGEGN



Report on opportunities for an international database/gazetteer activity in 2023

Task Team of WG members:


Convenor, Susan Birtles, Victoria Reeh, Jasper Hogerwerf

, Kristina Kwiatkowski

, Catherine Cheetham, Peeter Päll, Peder Gammeltoft


Susan Birtles
  1. Gather problem statements and use cases to understand need for an international database/gazetteer.
  2. Report on findings, possible high level solutions, and proposed next steps at 2023 session.
  3. Subsequent steps TBD following 2023 report.

Outcome - Understanding of requirements for an international database/gazetteer.

Deliverable - Report on findings and proposal for next steps (Report on behalf of WG at 2023 session).


This Action item has been linked to 1-i-2 and tackles all issues related to the WGN DB


In progress

See details

to be started

Examine processes and recommend good practice

  1. on how single and multi-jurisdictional Member States record, store, disseminate and manage their geographical names
  • for the reuse and validation of volunteered geographic Information, crowd sourced data and Linked Open Data (LOD) as part of national geographical names standardization work
  • for the use of standardized geographical names as fundamental data theme in national spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) within the monitoring of the SDG indicator framework in order to analyze and monitor the changes in a country
  • 1-ii-6

    WG GNDM (for 2 and 3),
    WG GNCH (for 1),

    WG RS

    Report on good practices for each UNGEGN session to 2029

    Task Team(s) of WG members:

    Re 1)

    Jasper Hogerwerf, Ingvil Nordland,
    Teemu Leskinen, Aju Pudra

    , Kristina Kwiatkowski

    , Young-Hoon Kim, Convenor


    Re 2)

    Susan Birtles, Jasper Hogerwerf, Ingvil Nordland, Peder Gammeltoft, Aji Pudra, Young-Hoon Kim


    Re 3)

    Chair, Teemu Leskinen, Kristina Kwiatkowski, Jasper Hogerwerf




    Nordland (for 1)

    Jasper Hogerwerf (for 2 and 3)

    For 1)

    1. Crosscheck the tasks with WG GNCH, particularly focus group 2 “Legislation, policies & best practices relating to geographical names” and seek collaboration
    2. Define more concrete what’s meant by the terms recordstoredisseminate and manage in this context (is it mainly office treatment of names as described in Chapter VII in the Manual or is the scope of the subtask broader?)
    3. Getting an overview of practices used by reading country reports and division reports
    4. Ask selected countries and/or divisions to elaborate their practices, for instance by inviting to virtual meetings/workshops in smaller groups to share experices
    5. Examine and evaluate selected practices more in detail and based on this come up with some recommendations (there is no “one size fit all" in terms of “good” practices, but there are practices that are better than others)

    For 1)

    1. Report progress (as part of the WG report) each session
    2. Use findings to contribute to an update/revision of the Manual for the national standardization of geographical names

    Update (as part of the WG report) at each session



    See details

    2. for the reuse and validation of volunteered geographic Information, crowd sourced data and Linked Open Data (LOD) as part of national geographical names standardization work

    Re 2)

    Susan Birtles, Jasper Hogerwerf, Ingvil Nordland, Peder Gammeltoft, Aji Pudra, Young-Hoon Kim, Convenor

    Jasper Hogerwerf (for 2 and 3)

    For 2)
    1. Make an inventory of VGI and LD use cases in member states' SDIs
    2. Report on this in UNGEGN meeting(s)
    3. Encourage member states to report on VGI and LD use cases and their experiences
    4. Identify good practices based on theory and success stories (use cases and experiences)
    5. Prepare recommendations on VGI and LD use

    For 2)

    1. Report(s) to UNGEGN meeting on VGI and LD use cases
    2. Report(s) and/or resolution(s) with recommendations on VGI and LD
    1. use

    Update (as part of the WG report) at each session



    3. for the use of standardized geographical names as fundamental data theme in national spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) within the monitoring of the SDG indicator framework in order to analyze and monitor the changes in a country

    Re 3)

    Chair, Teemu Leskinen, Jasper Hogerwerf, Convenor

    Jasper Hogerwerf (for 2 and 3)

    For 3)

    1. Make an inventory of the position of geographical names as fundamental data theme in SDIs of member states

    2. Identify the role of geographical names within the SDG indicator framework

    3. Make recommendations on the reporting of the names standardization level of member states within the SDG indicator framework


    1. Report progress (as part of the WG report) each session
    2. Use findings to contribute to an update/revision of the Manual for the national standardization of geographical names

    For 2)

    1. Report(s) to UNGEGN meeting on VGI and LD use cases
    2. Report(s) and/or resolution(s) with recommendations on VGI and LD use


    1. Report on the position of geographical names within SDIs of member states
    2. Report with recommendations on the use of the SDG indicators to report on the level of geographical names standardization of member states
    +++ To be compiled +++

    Update (as part of the WG report) at each session

    to be started

    Promote the use of the online discussion forum (Wiki) e.g.

    1. on the relationship UNGEGN – UN-GGIM or SDG indicator monitoring
    2. on data modelling and database design
    3. on general issues in the context of data maintenance (like feature classifications)
    4. on geographical names data production and distribution in the context of national, regional or global Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs)
    1-ii-7WG GNDMAssess annually

    Wiki moderators:


    Catherine Cheetham, Vita Strautniece, Teemu Leskinnen, Susan Birtles,



    Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu
    /Victoria Fölsing
    1. Promote UNGEGN-GGIM relationship to WG and report on and solicit members to report on national status on relationship and SDG indicator monitoring through coordinators
    +++ To be compiled ++++++ To be compiled +++

    Wiki to be regularly updated05-2023

    No action required

    Proposal: sub-task to be deleted

    to be started

    Monitor the availability of free and easily-accessible authorized digital geographical names data as it is seen as a key driver in encouraging the use of nationally-standardized geographical names


    No references to other WGs


    Assess annually

    Marija Brnot, Victoria Reeh, Convenor

    Fölsing/ Marija Brnot
    1. Compilation of the existing data sources
    2. Check whether the data is free and easily-accessible
    3. Review every year
    4. Encourage more member states to provide authorized geographical names data
      1. Draft a dissemination and communication plan
        1. Articles in the Bulletin
        2. Presentation at national, regional and international conferences/workshops

    • Report (at each session)
    • Update of the Website (as part of UNGEGN Website): Overview with all free and easily-accessible authorized digital geographical names data)


    (but, document to be published on UNGEGN's website)

    See details

    to be started

    Organize workshops and on innovative, research and/or technical issues/topics like e.g. volunteered geographic information, crowd sourced data, Linked Open Data or speech technology


    WG GNDM,

    WG P&F
    Workshops in 2022-2025
    (likely in conjunction with Division meetings)

    Convenor, Susan Birtles and others (Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Peder Gammeltoft)

    Peder Gammeltoft
    (Frage)+++ to be compiled ++++++ To be compiled ++++++ To be compiled +++

    A starting point shall be a workshop about LOD

    1. discuss a concept end of 2021
    2. organise a first workshop on LOD in 2022 (location to be decided, but somewhere in Europe)

    • Overview on the current situation in the Member States
    • Explore ontologies and ontology exchange

    Workshop was conducted in 2022, afterwards no further webinars have been planned


    In progress

    See details

    to be started

    Evaluate and assess innovative methods to be used for Romanization, e.g. machine transliteration

    1-iii-10WG RSReport on innovative methods for Romanization for each UNGEGN session to 2029

    Catherine Cheetham

    Catherine Cheetham

    Active monitoring of global romanization activities, reaching out to WGRS members, other international bodies, e.g. ISO, and academia.


    Update (as part of the WG report) at each session


    In progress

    See details

    to be started

    Interaction with UN-GGIM to be continuously reviewed and evaluated for upgrading the activity level in relation to over-arching activities, such as addressing the SDGs 


    Chair, Bureau,

    Assess relevant activities annually

    Convenor, Catherine Cheetham


    Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu

    Susan Birtles

    To be assigned by the BureauTo be assigned by the Bureautbdto be started

    Work with UNECA to establish stronger and more permanent ties aimed to:

    1. Increase national geographical names standardization in Africa
    2. Re-activate the Gaborone Action Plan (GAP) initiated with UNECA
    3.  Re-activate Africa GeoNyms project to provide free database/gazetteer software to countries in Africa 

    a. Task Team for Africa, UNGEGN Divisions in Africa

    b. Task Team for Africa, UNGEGN Divisions in Africa

    c. Task Team for Africa, UNGEGN Divisions in Africa, WG GNDM

    a, b and c:

    Re-establish ties in 2021

    Develop workable programmes and establish goals by 2023

    Report progress for each UNGEGN session to 2029


    Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu

    Susan Birtles

    To be assigned by the BureauTo be assigned by the Bureautbdto be started

    Continue to communicate and liaise with existing groups and explore further effective ways of cooperation with: ICA, ICOS, IGU, IHO, ISO, OGC, PAIGH, SCAR (SCAGI), Unicode Consortium


    Existing liaison arrangements, individual Member States, individual experts

    Explore more formal arrangement with IGU (as requested) by 2023


    Convenor (for ISO, OGC), Catherine Cheetham (for UNICODE) (Evelyn Wandl-Vogt) and Susan Birtles

    as well as

    Peter Jordan (for ICOS, IGU, ICA)

    Trent Palmer (for IHO, PAIGH, SCAR)

    (others to contribute)


    Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu


    Susan Birtles

    Liaison with members of the relevant groups including the soliciting of information from UNGEGN members on their interaction with these bodies as it relates to geo names data management

    Report or update through WG or directly to plenary session

    +++ To be compiled +++
    05-2023to be started

    Review the current versions of UNGEGN publications, establish a plan to revise or add to them, and implement it


    Bureau, WG P&F, WG RS, WG GNDM, WG TT, WG CN

    Review and plan in 2021; if needed, draft, edit and publish by 2023

    Convenor and others

    Peder Gammeltoft


    Sungjae Choo

    To be assigned by the BureauTo be assigned by the Bureautbdto be started
    Cooperate with academia, so that geographical name datasets collected (by academics, for example, historical or linguistic variants) are geo-referenced and linked to standardized datasets4-ii-9


    Academic datasets: 2025 and ongoing

    Convenor and others
    Kristina Kwiatkowski (Frage)

    Ingvil Nordland and Peder Gammeltoft (connection to 1-ii-6)
    Convenor will cross-check with WG GNCH / Bureau on the lead

    Annette Torensjö

    1. Build relationships with academia
    2. raise awareness of UNGEGN
    Stronger relationship with academia,
    increase/strenghten awareness of UNGEGN in academia, standardized geographical names data in academia/relevant member states
    +++ To be compiled +++
    2025 onwards
    to be started

    Next steps/tasks before the meetings starts:


    Documents for preparation