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This sub-task is a mixture of a 1.) Program task and maybe of 2.) Project (because of the UNGEGN database activity). It has to be discussed and coordinated by the Bureau together with the convenors. Any contribution by the WG GNDM has to be assigned by the Bureau.

Provide consultancy to the developments related to the UNGEGN database, UNECA “UNECA Africa GeoNyms database/gazetteer initiative”, the INSPIRE initiative, the UN and European gazetteer projects, the GIS web-based World Geonames Application and other projects of developing countries

Task Team for Africa

Report on progress for each UNGEGN session to 2029

(if appropriate to be included in the report of the WG GNDM)

Contributions to Training Courses on Toponymy to be assessed annually


Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu
  1. UNGEGN database: Discuss and provide feedback to new developments
  2. UNECA: Contact UNECA (André Nouguierma) to get information on the progress on GeoNyms
  3. Contributions to Training Courses on Toponymy to be assessed and reported 
  4. Open Regional Gazetteer for Europe: Report about the progress at each Session
Report (as part of the WG report) at each Session05-
2023to be started


This sub-task has to be discussed and coordinated by the Bureau together with the convenors. Any contribution by the WG GNDM has to be assigned by the Bureau.


delayed (pending) for UNECA

in progress for all other items

Progress 25.06.2024

The Convenor discussed this matter with the Secretariat. UNECA has been approached several times. The “UNECA Africa GeoNyms database/gazetteer initiative”seems not to be continued. It is proposed to set the status to "pending".

  •   Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu  Contact to UNECA: approach Secretariat (cecille) to discuss how and when UNECA can be approached

@UN Maps:

UNGEGN believes that strengthening collaboration across the UN System, and through the Member States, will provide opportunities to promote the importance of the collection and standardization of geographical names and making national geographical names data available.

UNGEGN will ensure that collaboration continues, and to support UN agencies and field missions with the use of standard geographical names. This will be facilitated with the forthcoming relaunch of the World Geographical Names Database, as this gives access to UNGEGN recommended names in a publicly available API.


The background, establishment as well as new developments of the World Geographical Names Database (WGN DB) have been supported. This task has been linked to Action Item 1-i-5 of the workplan (“Promote and support the establishment of an authoritative international database/gazetteer of geographical names to be disseminated to the public through UNGEGN”. The development of a “unique identifier for cities” was taken on by the Working Group.This sub-task is a mixture of a 1.) Program task and maybe of 2.) Project (because of the UNGEGN database activity).