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01.07.2021 Status Meeting


Teilnehmende (de)


16.09.2021 Status Meeting


Teilnehmende (de)


15.12.2021 Status Meeting


Teilnehmende (de)



/ Notizen

Welcome and news on the Action: change proposals endorsed by the MIG, schema release, next steps



Next meeting in March (before next MIG-T meeting)

24.03.2022 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

  • keine


13.09.2022 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Präsentationen / Notizen

Updates and news on INSPIRE artefacts

  • proposal #60 on XML schemas still pending, comment from AT not received yet
  • other proposals endorsed by MIG-T and MIG have been implemented in release v2022.2 (published on )
  • 1st release of UML models
  • Technical Guidance documents available as GitHub pages and in other formats (PDF, asciidoc, html) → (Info) in the future documents are no longer published in the IKB (will be migrated to another system), only on GitHub

Change proposals on INSPIRE schemas

Change proposals on INSPIRE TGs

Next steps

  • short MIG-T meeting on 7th october, physical meeting on 24/25th november (b2b with MIG in Brussels)

17.04.2023 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Präsentationen / Notizen

Change proposals on INSPIRE schemas

Change proposals on INSPIRE TGs

Next steps

  • discussions and voting on the change proposals → next MIG-T on  

10.11.2023 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Daniela Witter 




  • Verordnung zur Änderung der Interoperabilitätsverordnung ist veröffentlicht und tritt am in Kraft → Die davon abhängigen Change Proposals können nun umgesetzt werden.
  • 74th MIG-T meeting: alle Änderungsvorschläge wurden angenommen
  • kein Release der UML Schemata, da alle Änderungen eine Änderung der Interoperabilitätsverordnung bedingen

Implementation of GP on Data and Service Linking Simplification

  • Good Practice zur Vereinfachung der Daten-Dienste-Kopplung wurde angenommen → Umsetzung: Änderungsvorschlag für die TG Metadaten (#108) und in den TG View und Download Services (#105, #110, #112) und neue ATS/ETS für INSPIRE Validator: "Conformance Class 2d INSPIRE Data-Service Linking Simplification Good Practice"
  • Verabschiedung der Änderungen in den TGs durch die MIG(-T) erforderlich? 

Change proposals on INSPIRE Technical Guidance

  • #82 (PR #83) - Auswirkungen auf andere Requirements wurden geprüft und CR und PR entsprechend angepasst → approved
  • #84 - no feedback from MIG-T so far, very specific requirement from one member state with a high impact (changes in the IR required) → no agreement at the moment, further information required
  • #105, #108, #110, #112 - alle Änderungen, die Bezug zum GP zur Vereinfachung der Daten-Dienst-Kopplung haben, haben keine Auswirkungen auf existierende Implementierungen (non-breaking changes) und werden der MIG-T zur Entscheidung vorgelegt mit der Bitte diese bis zur Sitzung in Brüssel dezidiert zu prüfen
  • #115 - no suitable element was found to map the resolution of a raster in an atom feed → CP wird erneut evaluiert, wenn ein konkreter Vorschlag für ein mapping vorliegt

Next steps

  • next MIG-T meeing in Brussels at the end of november
  • next sub-group meeting before MIG Meeting if needed
  • next releases at the end of january 2024

Change proposals on INSPIRE Registry

  • #6 - new attributes to include links to the schema repository and to the UML model → approved
  • #14 - 5 items have no descriptions → approved, but expert input needed for missing descriptions (e. g. European Geological Survey)
  • #28 - on hold, change in TG of natural risk zones is needed first
  • #34 - IR references Interinstitutional style guide → CP rejected, but reference link should be changed (new change proposal to change the link to Interinstitutional style guide and use two-letter codes)

06.05.2024 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Daniela Witter 



Change proposals on INSPIRE Technical Guidance

  • #172 - View Services TG - Deprecate WMS 1.1.1

Image Added

    • DE: WMS 1.1.1 is still partly used in Germany, as it has proven itself and is considered by some data providers to be more reliable than 1.3.0. Therefore, I cannot agree today.
    • PL: From Polish perspective we prefere WMS 1.3 and don't recomment to use v1.1.1. 
    • DK: I agree with the change proposal.
    • ES: In Spain the WMS INSPIRE services are 1.3.0.
    • IT: In Italy is acepted only 1.3.0.
    • PL: But if some countries use v1.1.1 eg. DE, the TG could be stay without changes and the MS's can decided what version use.
    • Wait for additional feedback. DE will add some further explanation to the ticket.
  • #173 - LU - Correct broken link
    • sub-group approved change proposal - trivial change, can be changed without further vote of MIG/MIG-T
  • #174 - GE - Major update of TG to version 3.3
    • sub-group approved change proposal, pull request on concrete changes will be provided for the next MIG-T Meeting
    • corresponding changes in the registry, schemas and validator

Change proposals on INSPIRE Schemas

  • #123 - PF_Link from ProductionSite to ProductionFacility is missing
    • DK: no mistake, information is in the data itself
    • JRC: If not wrong INSPIRE D2.5 was recommending only unidirectional relationships.
    • more evidence needed, DK will add a comment

Change proposals on INSPIRE Registry

  • intermediate release 2024.1b (changes derived from the amendment of interoperability regulation
  • #92 - add CRS EPSG:3794 to the list of accepted CRS, consider adding EPSG:4326 as well
    • JRC: EPSG:4326 should NOT be added
    • sub-group approved change proposal
  • #84-#87 - translation issues DE
    • sub-group approved change proposals
  • #17 - add 2 new items in the Protocol Value code list
    • sub-group approved change proposal
  • #71 - the code list for the country codes has to refer to the Interinstitutional style guide
  • #28 - INSPIRE layer register
    • IT: change of technical guidelines not necessary
    • go ahead with the change proposal, but not foreseen for the next release
  • #21 - inconsistencies
    • JRC propose not to correct this minor inconsistencies (too much effort and minor benefit)
    • sub-group agreed to reject change proposal
