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Continue to communicate and liaise with existing groups and explore further effective ways of cooperation with: ICA, ICOS, IGU, IHO, ISO, OGC, PAIGH, SCAR (SCAGI), Unicode Consortium and ICANN


Existing liaison arrangements, individual Member States, individual experts

Explore more formal arrangement with IGU (as requested) by 2023

Convenor (for ISO, OGC), Catherine Cheetham (for UNICODE) (Evelyn Wandl-Vogt), Susan Birtles as well as

Peter Jordan (for ICOS, IGU, ICA)

Trent Palmer (for IHO, PAIGH, SCAR)

New: Peeter Päll (ICANN)

(others to contribute)

Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu

Susan Birtles

Liaison with members of the relevant groups including the soliciting of information from UNGEGN members on their interaction with these bodies as it relates to geo names data management

Report or update through WG or directly to plenary session

05-2023to be started


A liaison list can be obtained through the Secretariat.

A separate discussion on sub-task 2-ii-6 on 'Liaisons with Organisations' inviting key players will be was conducted on 09-12-2021.

Results of the Meeting of the Task Team on 09-12-2021:


  •   Benutzer-4ccad  Approach UNICODE to present at the next UNGEGN Session in 2023:  Catherine contacts Secretariat (Cecille) to agree upon how to contact
  • IHO (Trent)
    • Liaison is working well.
    • Trent will check the UN-GGIM reports jointly prepared by IHO, ISO and OGC and get back if there is anything to consider. Benutzer-a1f88 (Secretariat) is kindly requested to provide contacts for the UN-GGIM activity
  •   Benutzer-6ff3e  Check the UN-GGIM reports prepared by IHO, ISO, OGC 
  • PAIGH (Trent)
    • current situation seems to be o.k.
    • Liaison officer: Roger Payne is still active!
    • Re Training Courses there is an agreement that PAIGH deals with training in the Americas and that the UNGEGN WG on Training Courses deals with courses elsewhere
  • SCAR (Trent)
    • some UNGEGN experts are directly involved through their activities on domestic names (US, UK, FR, BE,...)
    • Liaison officer:  Jean-Yves Pirlot has retired. Benutzer-a1f88 Secretariat is kindly requested to cross-check with him or to appoint another UNGEGN expert.
  • IGU (Peter)
    • the liaison with IGU has been decided at the last UNGEGN Session, but not yet published at the UNGEGN website. Benutzer-a1f88 Secretariat is kindly requested to update the website.
    • Liaison officer: Cosimo Palagiano
  • ICA (Peter)
    • This is the most active liaison!
      • Joint IGU/ICA Commission organizes Symposia on Toponymic Issues
      • ICA builds the bridge to IGU and ICOS (see below)
    • Liaison officer: Peter Jordan
    • Cooperation with ISO (see below) and ICOS (see below) can be intensified on the topic "Terminology" 
    • Inventory of (international) digital geographical names data bases/services has been expressed as request from the ICA community 
