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Amendments for consideration:

Progress on 22.09.2022

  • Draft a statement / document with reasons to explain why this task is not achievable --- Pier-Giorgio / Task Team
  • Discuss the statement / document within the next WG GNDM meeting --- Pier-Giorgio / Task Team
  • Share an agreed statement / document within the Expanded Bureau --- Pier-Giorgio / Bureau
  • Discuss how to proceed with this task and how to explain at UNGEGN 2023

Progress 26.04.2022

A discussion paper "On geographical names data modelling and transfer related standards, manuals, or guidelines" has been prepared. The objective of this document/compilation related to subtask 1-i-2 is stated as follows: “With the following document members of UNGEGN’s Working Group on Geographical Names data Management (WG GNDM) have compiled ideas for geographical names data modelling and transfer related standards, manuals, or guidelines. The compilation shall contribute and be the rationale for a paper to be submitted to the next UNGEGN session and become the rationale for an updated structure for ‘Part two. Toponymic data transfer standards and formats’ of UNGEGN’s ‘Technical Reference Manual for the National Standardization of Geographical Names (2007)’. The outcome and findings might be published within UNGEGN’s webpage or its wiki structure. [Review and update in progress by WG GNDM (status: 03/2022)]”

The following steps are still valid after it has been decided on how to develop the discussion paper further:

