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2nd sub-group Meeting

Teilnehmende DE


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10:00 - 10:10

 Welcome & introduction (ENV)
  • Repository auf Github ( wird noch eingerichtet
  • Meeting (Anfang 2024) zur Erweiterung der PDS-Liste geplant
  • Outcome Metadata: Mapping zwischen ISO und DCAT-AP
  • Session auf der INSPIRE Conference "High-value datasets: Unlocking accessibility of Environmental data"
10:10 - 10:25DCAT AP State of play (Pavlina Fragkou / Bert Van Nuffelen) + Questions
10:25 – 10:45Metadata alignment approach in Flanders (Geraldine Nolf / Loes Deventer) + Questions
  • work in progress: detailed mapping for each requirement in the HVD regulation with the exact metadata element
  • reporting should be based entirely on existing metadata fields according to the once-only principle (→ Art. 3, 4, 5)
  • licences: suggest to DG to create a list of expected equally seen licences → machine readable and human readable, e. g. codelist
  • indication high-value datasets: tagging hvd needed as top-level concept to filter, monitor and report? not yet clear how to do that in DCAT OR tagging "hvd-annex" like INSPIRE themes or PDS
  • compliance to hvd specification → self-declaration like INSPIRE approach for TG
  • when ready BE will share the analysis
10:45 – 10:55Discussion & next steps (All)

(Frage) Are you working on a detailed mapping from ISO to DCAT-AP to DCAT-AP for HVD?

(Haken) the ISO mapping is part of the discussion in GeoDCAT-AP. That is specific for the INSPIRE geo community. And thus if there is interest in active maintenance by the community on a common XSLT/ISO mapping, let us know. 

(Frage) How do you handle the requirement from DCAT-AP for HVD: "In the context of DCAT-AP, a HVD Dataset is mapped on a Dataset, Bulk Download on a Distribution and API on a Data Service. To be conformant with the use of DCAT-AP in the context of the HVD regulation, this mapping MUST be followed."  

(Haken) indeed that statement is an important constraint on the mapping. Note that this is constraint is actually present in DCAT-AP 2.x: that means also discussion on detecting  an API or  a (bulk) file distribution in ISO metadata. Regulation is not clear on how this should be handled in the metadata.

(Frage) Is the file identifier analysed in DCAT?I think, in ISO 19139 the file identifier is unique and in DCAT the identifier depends on the catalogue where the metadata file is published and this results in the file metadata in DCAT being repeated.

(Frage) When is the work onupdating  geoDCAT starting?

(Haken) We will start the work on GeoDCAT-AP next year. the intention is to first release DCAT-AP for HVDs and DCAT-AP 3.0.0

next steps

  1. DCAT-AP 3.0 (January 2024)
  2. xslt for mapping ISO to DCAT-AP (February 2024)
10:55 – 11:00Conclusions and closing of the meeting (ENV)next meeting end of january 2024 (focus on metadata)

Kick-Off Meeting

Following the discussion in the 17th meeting of the MIG on the new action mandate 2.5 to align INSPIRE and High Value Dataset rules, and the written procedure on the proposed mandate, the action mandate was approved by consensus. Actions 2.1 and 2.2 are abandoned and replaced by Action 2.5. This meeting kicks off the subgroup for Action 2.5. All MIG and MIG-T members are invited to join for this first meeting.

Teilnehmende DE


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10:00Welcome and presentation by the Commission on the agreed action mandate, subgroup focus areas and boundary conditions.

State of play

  • Legislation
  • Technical rules on metadata, networks services - API’s, monitoring & reporting
  • Need for further detailing of the HVD annex for environmental data building on the list of priority datasets
  • Data reuse, licenses

  • Metadaten

    • die Europäische Kommission ist nachwievor der Auffassung, dass Atom Feeds den Anforderungen an APIs gemäß HVD-DVO nicht genügen
  • Monitoring & Reporting
    • die HVD-DVO sieht einen 2-jährigen Reporting-Zyklus vor
    • die Europäische Kommission hat einen Vorschlag für ein Amendment der INSPIRE-Richtlinie vorgelegt, um den Reporting-Zyklus von INSPIRE an die HVD-DVO anzupassen (INSPIRE Monitoring & Reporting nur noch alle zwei Jahre) 
    • erstes (gemeinsames) Reporting 2025

10:30Organisation of work - Proposal for dedicated workgroups under the 2.5 Action subgroup

  • keine Bildung von Unter-Arbeitsgruppen, sondern verschiedene Meetings → Kreis der Teilnehmenden richtet sich an jeweiligem Fokus des Meetings aus
10:50Any other business
  • IT: At the national level we are preparing operational guidelines on HVDs in Italy with a focus on INSPIRE themes, we have prepared comparison tables between the environmental directives and the INSPIRE priority datasets.
  • Litauen: At national level we consider that HVD to be only "picked up" from the public datasets as defined under the INSPIRE themes. In case new dataset to assigned to HVD, this dataset first to be amended to the list of INSPIRE datasets. Do you support this approach?
  • BE: we are all doing the same exercises... We are trying to map as much as possible out of the metadata elements (ISO/INSPIRE + DCAT). So that we can feed this (like INSPIRE) the much possible through metadata itself. => anybody who is doing that same excercise as well? 
11:05Conclusions and next steps
  • DG ENV richtet für die Action 2.5 ein neues Repository auf GitHub ein 
  • die Präsentation wird in dem neuen Repository geteilt
  • der "Call for experts" wird Anfang nächster Woche gestartet (für die Dauer von zwei Wochen)
11:15End of meeting
  • die Änderung der Interoperabilitätsverordnung wird in Kürze veröffentlicht
