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Deadline for submitting abstracts is 15 December 2010.

First circular

Closing Session

10th SECTION. Cartography and placenames: New platforms for information management


First of all, we want to highlight the success of this section on “Cartography and placenames: New platforms for information management”. Considering that the present Congress has been the first one with a specific section on this subject, there has been a good reception and response.
As seen with the contents of the presentations, toponomastics is facing up to the following challenges:


Considering all this, both the results and the interest shown in this Congress and the need for giving response to the needs of our society, we request the ICOS board to maintain this subject (this section) as a part of the base program for the future ICOS congresses. A jointly work of all disciplines will satisfy these needs in accuracy and immediacy of present times, in the communications world, the information exchange and the social use of toponyms.


Roundtable on Analysis and management of databases and Toponymic/onomastic information
