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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Question (NPOC)

(a) Are all existing spatial datasets to be provided for INSPIRE, also if these datasets are definitely not transformable (e.g. raster graphics), or not transformable with adequate efforts (e.g. if the data is only in a rudimentary structure)?

(b) If yes: Will it permanently be possible to provide them using the originary data models?

Answer (EC Inspire Team)

(a) INSPIRE applies to electronic data, such as raster data. In theory, the data has to be made available according to the common model at a certain moment in time. If the existing data cannot be made 'conformant' because its format and attribute data are inadequate and missing, then it would not be 'feasible'. However, according to the directive, the 'feasibility' and 'cost' was taken into account for the data specifications implementing rule. The effort could be considered as a 'new data' collection (manual digitizing, attribute assignment etc.). The effort needs always to be weighted against the use that will be made of this data under the INSPIRE scope.

(b) In any case is necessary to "share" them, even in their non-conformant form.

(WS Legal Issues 17.06.2010)

Request for complementary clarifications (NPOC) and Answer (EC Inspire Team)


In many cases (not all I agree) we often have equivalent vector data available at or around the raster mapping resolution and it is this data that we can improve and make interoperable, we can make it INSPIRE compliant since it is made up of features defined in the data specifications.

In those cases I suggest that we do not need both the raster data and the vector data – we should give the priority to the vector data for metadata, view, download and compliance. We have a framework for all these.

Can I therefore suggest a compromise and addition to response (b) above here which states that "raster mapping only needs to be made available in the absence of vector datasets – otherwise the vector dataset will be adopted as the primary form for INSPIRE compliance purposes".

The Commission cannot make the statement "raster mapping only needs to be made available in the absence of vector datasets – otherwise the vector dataset will be adopted as the primary form for INSPIRE compliance purposes". As it would entail a restrictive interpretation of the INSPIRE directive.

A Member State however, may follow this approach, justified by "feasibility, cost/benefits" considerations.

Thus, our answer (b) should then be reformulated:

(b) In any case is necessary to "share" them, even in their non-conformant form. However, according to Article 4.2, Member States may decide that the Directive does not apply to a raster mapping data set, where they have identical - in terms of content - data available in vector format.