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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Question (NPOC)

Should the inspireID attribute, which is mandatory, be explicitly created in the national database, or could its value be generated later via a transformation service or other means (i.e., an INSPIRE-compatible version of the national cadastral database)?

Answer (EC Inspire Team)

INSPIRE does not prescribe the structure (e.g. types, attributes) to be used in Member State-internal databases, but only the data model that shall be used for making data available in the INSPIRE infrastructure.
Therefore, it is up to the data provider to decide whether the attributes included in the INSPIRE data model (e.g. the inspireID attribute of CadastralParcel objects) are explicitly stored in the database or whether to generate them when making the data available (e.g. through a transformation service, offline transformation or a separate database).