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Kommentar: Ergänzung: Protokollnotizen (06.04.2021)


  •  proposal for technical approach

meeting minutes/notes

Kick-off meeting

# tour de table: AT, DE, DK, EL, ES, FR, LT, NL, PL, SE, SK + JRC

# scope of work > introducing

  • elaboration/submission of an INSPIRE good practice
  • no replacement(!), provide an alternative

# data and service linking

  • current approach complicated/partly ambiguous, duplicate information
  • low accessibility to dataset

# technical challenges

  • starting from proposal in discussion paper
  • action 2019.2 recap (use of "protocol" + "applicationProfile")

(Frage) another open question should be: how to handle different constraints (licences) between dataset and services?

# organization of work

  • march: collect proposals for technical approaches
  • april/may: evaluate pro/con of proposals
  • may/june: draft TG proposal
  • may/june: set up of showcase of discovery service
  • july: present result at 66th MIG-T-meeting
  • november: submit good practice at 14th MIG meeting

= new development on geoportal, outcome of this sub-group relevant/important
= discuss with Geonetwork team on implementing this new dataset-service linking
= next meeting - beginning of april

# recap of the process, status of work

  • consensus-based simplified approach for data and service linkages
  • an alternative to the current approach, to be used in parallel (!)
  • status = 3 proposals submitted (at github)

# proposals for approach

  • NL > description-element as anchor (accessPoint) 1:1; endPoint plus protocol-element (reference to mediatype) for more than one service
  • required: clear definition of the meaning of accessPoint and endPoint
    • GetCapabilities is an endpoint
    • link to GetCapabilities > obligatory, to GetMap/Feature > only additionally
    • Just a comment:  In Germany we use the gmd:protocol to describe the type of the service ( WMS / WFS / WCS / WPS / ATOM / FILE) and the gmd:applicationProfil to specify the media type.

  • still an open discussion: harmonized vs. as-if datasets
    • on the agenda of the next MIG-T meeting (): as-is vs. harmonised datasets and how to express this in the dataset metadata

# discussion

(Frage) If you use the gmd-description element to referenced an access- or endPoint, which iso-element are you use to specify e.g. the EPSG code (which is supported by the service)?

(Haken) ... the EPSG information can be 'left' to the service capabilities

(Frage) Which URL should referenced in the extendedCapabilities of the service? Right now it's the link to service metadata.

(Haken) In principle, the idea is that the extended capabilitie section disappears, and there will be no service metadata at all if we use this simplified approach.

(Info) Is there a possibility to link to service-md in the standard getCap section (without extension) - could be useful

(Frage) How should we handle the fact, if a user create a service on different datasets (the basic idea of open data)?

(Haken) If a service works base on more than one dataset, each dataset metadata point to the same service and from service capabilities is access to metadata of all datasets which the service base on.

(Info) No, if there are different providers, the service will not be referenced in the dataset.

(Haken) You are right, but it is issue of organization of national infrastructure, providers should talk together :)

(Info) Good point, but I think a bit wider ... the approach of open data is, that every one can share and use the available data ...

= further discussion to all points on GitHub (creating an issue per topic, help to converge on the final approach)

# next steps

  • until : collect proposals for technical approaches
  • until : draft a proposal for a consolidated approach
  • until : collect comments on the consolidated approach (see GitHub-space)
  • between  and : finalize the consolidated approache at the third meeting

= next meeting: