Versionen im Vergleich


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titleExample given (Species Distribution):

Required Layers:

    • Layer Name: SD.<CodeListValue> (1)
    • Layer Title: Species Distribution (of <human readable name>)
    • Spatial object type: SpeciesDistributionUnit (speciesName / referenceSpeciesId: ReferenceSpeciesCodeValue)

(1)   One layer shall be made available for each code list value, in accordance with Art. 14(3).

The relevant code list contains ???? code list values [see INSPIRE Registry:]

With x different code list values in the dataset, x layers must be provided. When using predefined map-tiles for performance considerations this could increase the costs by a multiple of x compared to a single layer where all features have been compiled together. The implementation of viewing servises for "Species Distribution" is technically not feasable due to the very large number of codelistvalues and therefore layers. 
