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Information/results of several surveys on free/accessible/open geographical names data should be compiled.

Secretariat might provide information from the Sec's side. UK has done some work on this and can share results.

Surveys on free/accessible/open geographical names data will be compiled.

Monitor the availability of free and easily-accessible authorized digital geographical names data as it is seen as a key driver in encouraging the use of nationally-standardized geographical names


No references to other WGs


Assess annually

Marija Brnot, Victoria Fölsing, Convenor

Victoria Fölsing/ Marija Brnot
  1. Compilation of the existing data sources
  2. Check whether the data is free and easily-accessible
  3. Review every year
  4. Encourage more member states to provide authorized geographical names data
    1. Draft a dissemination and communication plan
      1. Articles in the Bulletin
      2. Presentation at national, regional and international conferences/workshops

  • Report (at each session)
  • Update of the Website (as part of UNGEGN Website): Overview with all free and easily-accessible authorized digital geographical names data)
05-2023In progress

Amendments for consideration:

Information/results of several surveys on free/accessible/open geographical names data should be compiled.

Secretariat might provide information from the Sec's side. UK has done some work on this and can share results.


Progress on 22.09.2022

  • The goal of the task is to update the UNGEGN Subsite
  • Report on the task during the WG GNDM. Good opportunity to ask for more feedback for the wiki list --- --- Victoria, Marija
  • Prepare a report for the next UNGEGN Session about the subtask. Decide if a separate report is to be prepared or if a text is to be included in the WG Report --- Victoria, Marija
