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Die Europäische Kommission hat am  das Release 2024.1 der INSPIRE XML Schemata veröffentlicht.

Die Änderungen wurden im Rahmen des Governance-of-INSPIRE-Artefacts-Prozesses innerhalb der Arbeitsgruppe "Governance of INSPIRE Artefacts", der MIG-T und der MIG abgestimmt, siehe auch Governance of INSPIRE artefacts - neuer Workflow zur Pflege der INSPIRE Artefakte

Die INSPIRE XML Schemata werden zweimal jährlich aktualisiert, das nächste Release ist am  geplant. 

Das Release 2024.1 der INSPIRE XML Schemata umfasst größere ("breaking") und kleinere ("non-breaking") Änderungen. Ein Großteil der Änderungen resultiert aus dem Inkrafttreten der Verordnung (EU) 2023/2431 zur Änderung der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1089/2010 zur Durchführung der INSPIRE-Richtlinie hinsichtlich der Interoperabilität von Geodatensätzen und -diensten.

  • #6 [hh] Added new attributes to the EnvHealthDeterminantMeasure feature type, added new feature types, and removed some data types. - #5 - v5.0 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #13, #14 [ps] - v5.0 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
    • Fixed typo in inspireId, added a new attribute, and moved attributes to data type. - #104
    • Removed enumeration from the schema and changed the encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - #110
  • #83 [us-net-common] - v5.0
    • Defined datatype for the authorityRole attribute - #86 - breaking change
    • Change encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - #110 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #84 [hy-p] - v5.0 - Amendment 1089/2010
    • Changed the data type of the geometry attribute of the DrainageBasin feature type - #85 - non-breaking change
    • Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - #110 - breaking change
  • #87 [lcv] Added association role to the LandCoverUnit feature type - #88 - v5.0 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #90 [tn-w] - v5.0 - Amendment 1089/2010
    • Removed the “abstract” stereotype for the TrafficSeparationScheme feature type - #105 - non-breaking change
    • Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - #110 - breaking change
  • #91 [su-vector] Added a new attribute “statisticalUnitType” to the VectorStatisticalUnit feature type - #103 - v4.1 - non-breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #92 [plu] Fixed the typo in the attribute "backgroudMapURI" of the data type BackgroundMapValue - #102 - v4.0.1 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #93 [ef] Added a new attribute "thematicId" to the spatial object type AbstractMonitoringObject. - #101 - v4.1 - non-breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #94 [pf] Changed the definition of the ProductionInstallation feature type - #100 - v4.1 - non-breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #95 [tn-a] Changed the datatype for the "controlTowers" association of the AerodromeNode feature type - #106 - v4.1 - non-breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #96 [ad] Changed the datatype for the "building" association of the Address feature type - #99 - v4.1 - non-breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #97 [sr] Changed the stereotype of the ShoreSegment object from featureType to dataType - #98 - v4.0.1 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010
  • #89 Converted enumerations into codelists - #110 - breaking change - Amendment 1089/2010.
    Below are the involved schemas:
    • BaseTypes.xsd - Removed VerticalPositionValue enumeration from BaseTypes schema - v4.0
    • HydroPhysicalWaters.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • UtilityNetworksCommon.xsd - Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • ObservableProperties.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v4.0
    • AdministrativeUnits.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • MaritimeUnits.xsd - Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v4.0
    • ElevationBaseTypes.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema - v5.0
    • ElevationGridCoverage.xsd - Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • ElevationTin.xsd - Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • ElevationVectorElements.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • NaturalRiskZonesCore.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • ProtectedSites.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • CommonTransportElements.xsd - Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • RailwayTransportNetwork.xsd - Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • RoadTransportNetwork.xsd - Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0
    • WaterTransportNetwork.xsd - Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations - v5.0

Nähere Informationen zu den Änderungen können der Release-Beschreibung auf GitHub entnommen werden. Alle aktuellen Schemata sind hier abgelegt: Die vorhergehenden Schemata sind hier verfügbar:

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