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Worum geht es?

Eine temporäre Arbeitsgruppe der MIG-T hat einen Entwurf für die Fortschreibung des Technical Guidance Dokumentes zu Metadaten erstellt. Der Entwurf (v2.0rc2) wurde nun der MIG-T zur Kommentierung vorgelegt. Er beinhaltet Empfehlungen zur Umsetzung der Anforderungen an die Metadatenbereitstellung für INSPIRE-relevante Geodatensätze und -dienste aus der Metadaten-Verordnung (Nr. 1205/2008) und der Interoperabilitäts-Verordnung (Nr. 1089/2010 inkl. Änderungen).

Der Entwurf gliedert sich in die folgenden requirements classes:

  • Data sets and data set series
    • Baseline metadata for data sets and data set series
    • Interoperability metadata for data sets and data set series
  • Spatial Data Services
    • Baseline metadata for Spatial Data Services
    • Metadata for INSPIRE Network Services
    • Metadata for Invocable Spatial Data Services
    • Metadata for Interoperable Spatial Data Services
    • Metadata for Harmonised Spatial Data Services

Nach der Konsultation durch die MIG-T wird das Dokument auf Grundlage der eingegangenen Kommentare überarbeitet und anschließend der MIG-P zur Verabschiedung vorgelegt (voraussichtlich zur Sitzung der MIG-P Ende Juni 2016).

Wer sollte sich an der Kommentierung beteiligen?

Die Konsultation richtet sich insbesondere an Experten, die sich mit der Metadatenerfassung und -bereitstellung beschäftigen.

In Deutschland werden neben den GDI-Kontaktstellen insbesondere der AK Metadaten und der AK Geodienste beteiligt.

Relevante Verordnungen und Technical Guidance Dokumente? 


Interoperabilität von Datensätzen und -diensten


Kommentare können bis zum 02.05.2016 über diese Seite abgegeben werden.

Zu prüfende Dokumente?


Bitte in der nachfolgenden Tabelle Ihre Kommentare eintragen (möglichst in englischer Sprache). 

Bitte die Kommentare klassifizieren (Type of comment) nach

  • ge = general
  • te = technical
  • ed = editorial

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Daniela WitterPeter Kochmann oder Benutzer-c18c5

Chapter/ Section (e.g. 3.1)Paragraph/ Figure/ Table/ (e.g. Table 1)Type of commentCommentsProposed changeResolutionKommentiert von (nur zur internen Verwendung)
(all)(all)edof the ISO 19115of the ISO 19115; at places where ISO is abstractly mentioned; please align through the whole document Martin Seiler, Peter Kochmann
Acknowledgementslist of members of MIWP-8gelist is incompleteadd: James Resid (UK), Ine de Visser (NL), Marc Leobet (FR), Marie Lambois (FR), Eliane Roos (FR), Peter Kochmann (DE)  
AcknowledgementsContact informationgecontact person Massimo Craglia seems to be outdated?  
Forewordthird paragraphed"This new version aims at clarifying and expressed technical requirements""This new version aims at clarifying and expressing technical requirements"  
Forewordfourth paragraphed

"... led to some confusion no that is actually ..."

please clarify wording  
Forewordlast paragraphed"The goal has been to only to clarify the existing...""The goal has been to only to clarify the existing..."  
Reading guidance and transition periodfirst sentenceed"As the structure of the document structure...""As the structure of the document structure..."  
Reading guidance and transition periodfirst sentenceed"the following sections have been to help...""the following sections have been <filled in / added ?> to help..."  
Reading guidance and transition periodlist of annexesgeAnnexes A and D are not mentionedadd bullet points for Annexes A and D  
Reading guidance and transition periodthird bullet pointed"... and the TG Requirements on sections ..."please clarify wording  
Reading guidance and transition periodfourth bullet pointed

"...TG Requirement and Recommendations of contained in the version 1.3..."

"...TG Requirement and Recommendations of contained in the version 1.3..."  
Reading guidance and transition periodlast paragraphge

"...a transitional period of 3 years has been defined..."

please add information by whom this period was defined  
Revision historythird bullet pointed" specify encoding the the Non-empty..."" specify encoding the the Non-empty..."  
Revision historyninth bullet pointed"The hierachyLevel element required...""The hierachyLevel element required..."; we propose to align this font family for ISO element names through the whole document for better readability  
Revision history20th bullet pointge

"A new TG Recommendation 3.4 considering using id attributes of the referred MD_DataIdentification elements and URI fragment identifiers for referring to them in the Coupled resource elements has been added."

please clarify that this applies for one of the two alternatives for data service coupling only  
Revision history42th bullet pointed

"The TG Requirements 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 considering the Limitations on public access and the Conditions applying to access and use elements have been revised is TG Requirements C.16 and C.17 about Limitations on public access..."

please clarify wording  
Revision history42th bullet pointge

"Referring to the new INSPIRE code lists for the reason of the Limitations on public access as well as Conditions applying to access and use ("no conditions" or "unknown") is now mandatory using the gmx:Anchor element."

while we support the use of gmx:Anchor elements we'd like to point out that currently this can't be validated with schemas given in section 1.2  
Other references geINSPIRE data specifications are not listed though a lot of information is taken from there (e.g. theme-specific metadata)add TG DS ...  
Other references ge

"[TG SDS] Technical Guidance for INSPIRE Spatial Data Services and services allowing spatial data services to be invoked, version 3.1"

deprecated version 3.1 should no longer be referenced here, please reference version 3.2 instead  
Terms and abbreviations edNames of external documents are not flaggedflag names of external documents through the whole document for a better readability  
Terms and abbreviationsparagraph on Requirements classed"Requirements class is a set is related technical requirements..."please clarify wording; "is a set of"?  
Verbal forms for expression of provisionsXML examplesed

"The location of the XML elements within the document structure is given using XPath syntax at to top of the text block in bold font"

"The location of the XML elements within the document structure is given using XPath syntax at to top of the text block in bold font"  
1.1. Introductionthird paragraphed

In the context of metadata for spatial data and Spatial Data Services, the standards [ISO 19115], [ISO 19119], [ISO 19139] and ISO 15836 (Dublin Core) have been identified as important standards.

add paranthesis for ISO 15836  
1.1. Introductionsixth paragraphed

"... refers to the abovementioned Regulation."

"... refers to the abovementioned regulation."  
1.2. XML Encoding of ISO metadatafirst paragraphed

"To provide an XML encoding also for the INSPIRE service metadata, XML Schemas implementing the [ISO 19119] model have been published by the OGC"

reference to actual schema is missing; add reference to  
1.2. XML Encoding of ISO metadatafirst paragraphte"To provide an XML encoding also for the INSPIRE service metadata, XML Schemas implementing the [ISO 19119] model have been published by the OGC"add a hint that currently gmx: namespace is not included in the referenced schema and hence e.g. gmx:Anchor elements are not valid  
1.3. INSPIRE Validator Servicefirst paragraphed

"The validator accepts metadata that follow the Metadata Technical Guidelines encoded in EN ISO 19139 schema."

reference to particular schema is missing  
1.3. INSPIRE Validator Servicesecond paragraph in Notege

"The validator is a proof of concept that has been developed to test these guidelines. It is not intended to be an operational tool,..."

"The validator is a proof of concept that has been developed to test these guidelines. It is not intended to be an operational tool,...";

this statement refers to the old version of this document

2.1. Metadata structure and encodingTG Requirement C.1telisted schemas do not fulfil some requirements given in this document where gmx:Anchor is mandatoryprovide a reference to a schema that includes the gmx: namespace or downgrade to a recommendation  
2.3.2. Metadata point of contactTG Requirement C.5ed

"The value of gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode shall point to the value "pointOfContact" of ISO 19139 code list CI_RoleCode20."

add paranthesis for ISO 19139  
2.4.6. Limitations on public accessfirst paragraphed"Concerning providing the metadata for the data sets and services though Discovery services...""Concerning providing the metadata for the data sets and services through Discovery services..."  
2.4.6. Limitations on public accesssentence following TG Requirement C.16ed"The make the references to the allowed...""To make the references to the allowed..."  
2.5.1. Conformitythird paragraphed"In this specification the above Implementing Rule text is is interpreted to mean in that the conformity shall..."rephrase for better understanding  
2.5.1. Conformitylist of three bulletsgeFor Network services the IR 1089/2010 has to be cited as wellchange wording  
2.5.1. ConformityTG Requirements C.21 and C.22ed

"... with each INSPIRE Implementing Rule, specification document, its Requirements Class or similar part, shall be given..."

clarify "similar part"  
3.1. Baseline metadata for data sets and data set seriesRequirements Class 1ed"Metadata record fulfilling all the TG Requirements...""A Metadata record fulfilling all the TG Requirements..."  
3.1.2. Identification info sectionTG Recommendation 1.1geRecommendation is not covering both alternatives for data service coupling and is obsolete for the way still to be addedsee E-Mail from Wed, 20 Apr 2016, where addition regarding data service coupling based on our proposal has been promised Unique resource identifierTG Recommendation 1.2ed"It's recommended to make...""It is recommended to make..." Keywords for Spatial Data Theme(s)TG Requirement 1.4ed

"... at least one keyword from the Inspire Spatial Data Themes vocabulary..."

"... at least one keyword from the INSPIRE Spatial Data Themes vocabulary..." Spatial resolutionExample 1.4 and 1.5ed"Spatial resolution of a data sets expressed...""Spatial resolution of a data sets expressed..." Resource languagesentence following TG Requirement 1.6 "Table 1 contained in Part C of Regulation 1205/2008] defines..."add paranthesis for 1205/2008 Resource languageTG Requirement 1.7edmore information on multi-lingual encoding would be usefuladd a link to section 2.2 Linking to provided data sets using coupled resourcewhole sectionte/gealternative for data service coupling based on URI is missingsee E-Mail from Wed, 20 Apr 2016, where addition regarding data service coupling based on our proposal has been promised Linking to provided data sets using coupled resourceTG Recommendation 3.5gerecommendation is obsolete when documenting the two alternative waysremove  


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