Liebe Kolleg(inn)en,

die folgende Antwort von Lazlo Sores klärt Einiges. Meine Stellungnahme zur Geophysik muss ich wohl nochmal überarbeiten. Im Prinzip kann man sich ein abschliessendes Urteil ohnehin erst nach Vorliegen der Version 2.0 bilden. 

Das Messdaten "per se" Geschäftsgeheimnisse sind, wäre mir allerdings neu. Ich sehe auch keinen prinzipiellen Unterschied in der Vertraulichkeit von Messungen und Modellen. Jedenfalls soll hier niemand zur Bereitstellung von "harten" Messdaten verpflichtet werden.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Klaus Kühne


Dear Klaus,

Happy New Year to you too!

Your understanding is basically right. In the core model geophysical
measurements are defined as features with geometry and a valid metadata
record. In INSPIRE detailed measurement data is considered as business
data and as such, out of scope. However, there is not any limitation to
put a link in the distribution info to an online access point.
Geophysical results will be distributed as coverages. For borehole log
data it means curveCoverage, much like in the GeoSciML borehole examples
of Simon Cox. Again, metadata may also point to any type of data
resource or service.

There are lots of questions about coverages and the
Observations&Measurements schema. It was said, that both will be merged
into the INSPIRE concept model and their usage harmonized in all themes.
As far as I know, a new WCS will also be released to support INSPIRE
data specifications.
Version 1.0 is not public yet, because it may change a lot. The first
public version (2.0) will come out at the end of April.
There will be two models, geophysics-core and geophysics-O&M. The core
model is for the legislation, so it has to be very simple. (Not to put
too much obligation on data providers) The extended model is strongly
based on O&M and will allow more advanced use. It is not visibel yet,
but I hope it will be put into version 2.0.
The selection of types is a "first shot" and is intended to limit the
scope of obligatory data types. In the extended model there will be a
longer list, like in GEOMIND.
I hope, it helps.
Best regards,

Kuehne, Klaus wrote:

> Dear Lazlo,
> at first, my best wishes for the New Year 2011!
> Secondly, I have the pleasure to got a member of a national working
> group assisting Christine Asch in her work for the TWG GMR. In this
> function, I have read with interest the 1.0 draft of the GMR
> specifications, in particular your geophysical contribution. I'm not
> really a specialist in the geoinformatics base standards, and the
> textual descriptions are in parts not very rich, but my basic
> understanding of the current version is:
> (1) The handling of geophysical *measurements* is restricted to
> extended metadata (one metadata entry per measurement), like in
> Geomind. Access to measurements' detail data has to follow individual
> rules assigned to the metadata. It may need e.g. a customer-side order
> process, and the standardization of measurement file formats (SEG-Y,
> LAS, ...) as well as their usage obligations are not a matter of
> (2) On the other hand, detail data of geophysical *models*
> are included in the GMR schema and have to be supplied by the data
> providers as GML files. Excepted are all types of models whose
> technical representations are not or only partially included in the
> TC211 standards, in particular 3D objects like solid grids. In such a
> case, customer-side access procedure for detail data is like (1).
> *Do I understand this right?
> *
> Two additional questions are:
> (a) If I'm informed right, the already existing version 2.0 of OGC-WCS
> supports the transport of several types of 3D objects. How is this
> possible, if these object types are not yet TC211-standardized?
> (b) Your selection of types (methods) of geophysical measurements and
> models in the draft proposal, is it a "first shot" or already agreed
> with the geology-side members of the TWG or with others?
> Kind regards,
> Klaus
> /Klaus Kühne/
> /Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG)/
> /Stilleweg 2 /
> /D-30655 Hannover/
> /Germany/
> /Phone: +49 (0)511-643-3481
> Fax: +49 (0)511-643-3665/

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ELGI (Eötvös Loránd Geofizikai Intézet)
Veszprém, Victor Hugo u. 6-4
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