INSPIRE: The General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (GÜK250)
INSPIRE: Geological Map of Germany 1:1,000,000 (GK1000)
INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Geology (GK2000 Geologie)
INSPIRE: Geological Map of Germany 1:2,750,000 (GK2750)
INSPIRE: Hydrogeological Map of Germany 1:250,000 (HÜK250)
INSPIRE: The1:5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas – German part (IGME5000-DE)
INSPIRE: EMODnet-DE - Offshore Geology (EMODnet-DE)
INSPIRE: EMODnet-DE - Offshore Geology - Quaternary (EMODnet-DE Quaternary)
INSPIRE: Information system salt structures: planning basis, selection criteria and estimation of the potential for the construction of salt caverns for the storage of renewable energies (hydrogen and compressed air) (InSpEE)
INSPIRE: Marine seismic survey profiles for the German EEZ (MSSP-EEZ)
INSPIRE: Airborne geophysical surveys for mapping the shallow subsurface in Germany (D-AERO) (WMS)
INSPIRE: German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN)
INSPIRE: Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (KOR250)
INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000)
INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Important deposits (GK2000 Lagerstätten)
INSPIRE: Unconventional hydrocarbons (Nicht-konventionelle KW)
INSPIRE: German Earthquake Catalogue (GERSEIS) |