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Continue to communicate and liaise with existing groups and explore further effective ways of cooperation with: ICA, ICOS, IGU, IHO, ISO, OGC, PAIGH, SCAR (SCAGI), Unicode Consortium and ICAN


Existing liaison arrangements, individual Member States, individual experts

Explore more formal arrangement with IGU (as requested) by 2023

Convenor (for ISO, OGC), Catherine Cheetham (for UNICODE) (Evelyn Wandl-Vogt), Susan Birtles as well as

Peter Jordan (for ICOS, IGU, ICA)

Trent Palmer (for IHO, PAIGH, SCAR)

New: Peeter Päll (ICAN)

(others to contribute)

Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu

Liaison with members of the relevant groups including the soliciting of information from UNGEGN members on their interaction with these bodies as it relates to geo names data management

Report or update through WG or directly to plenary session

05-2023to be started

Amendments for consideration:

The continuation and communication of the liaisions with existing groups and their exploration of further effective ways of cooperation need a separate discussion.

The main objective is: analyse how UNGEGN can benefit and what is expected/required by the liaised organisations.

A liaison list can be obtained through the Secretariat.

A separate discussion on sub-task 2-ii-6 on 'Liaisons with Organisations' inviting key players will be conducted on 09-12-2021.

Results of the Meeting of the Task Team on 09-12-2021:

  • General issues/tasks
    • Fokus of this Task Team is on Standardization Organisations with links to the technical issues addressed by the WG GNDM
    • Secretariat is asked to cross-check the list of Liaisons and its assigned officers! Some might not be active anymore. See proposals on specific organisations below
    • ISO (and Open Geospatial Consortium - OGC) seems to be the most relevant Standardization Organisations to be approached concerning the disucssion on the Technical Reference Manual (data model, data services, data dissemination) 
  • Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu Benutzer-4ccad Benutzer-6ff3e  Approach national contacts in UK, US, DE of the Standardization Organisations (ISO, OGC) to involve them into the disucssions on the Technical Reference Manual (data model, data services, data dissemination) 
  • UNICODE Consortium (Catherine)
    • current situation seems to be o.k.:  UNICODE is contacted and outcome and findings are evaluated and assessed shortly before UNGEGN Session and reported to UNGEGN as part of the WG GNDM report
    • UNICODE could be asked to present at the next UNGEGN Session in 2023
  • Benutzer-4ccad  Approach UNICODE to present at the next UNGEGN Session in 2023:  Catherine contacts Secretariat (Cecille) to agree upon how to contact
  • PAIGH (Trent)
    • current situation seems to be o.k.
    • Liaison officer: Roger Payne is still active!
    • Re Training Courses there is an agreement that PAIGH deals with traing in the Americas and that the UNGEGN WG on Training Courses deasl with courses elsewehere
  • SCAR (Trent)
    • some UNGEGN experts are directly involved through their activities on domestic names (US, UK, FR, BE,...)
    • Liaison officer:  Jean-Yves Pirlot has been retired. Benutzer-a1f88 Secretariat is kindly requested to cross-check with him or to appoint another UNGEGN expert.
  • IGU (Peter)
    • the liaison with IGU has been decided at the last UNGEGN Session, but not yet published at the UNGEGN website. Benutzer-a1f88 Secretariat is kindly requested to update the website.
    • LIaison officer: Cosimo Palagiano
  • ICA (Peter)
    • This is the most active liaison!
      • Joint IGU/ICA Commission organizes Symposia on Toponymic Issues
      • ICA builds the bridge to IGU and ICOS (see below)
    • Liaision officer: Peter Jordan
    • Cooperation with ISO (see below) and ICOS (see below) can be intensified on the topic "Terminology" 
    • Inventory of (international) digital geographical names data bases/services has been expressed as request from the ICA community 
  • Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu  Discuss with WG GNDM about an inventory of (international) digital geographical names data bases/services
  • ICOS (Peter)
    • Liaison officer: Staffan Nyström has been retired
      • Peter will ask Staffan if he would like to keep the function as Liaison officer. Otherwise Peter will approach Laila Mattfolk (SE) to take over.
    • Cooperation was good, due to the fact that liaison officer (Staffan Nyström) was an active UNGEGN member too.
    • Peter will approach Austrian colleague, Christian Galinski from the "ISO Terminology Group" to discuss about strenghening the cooperation with ICOS
    • Within the ICOS "Toponomastic Bibliography" UNGEGN experts can contribute to
  • ISO (and OGC) (Pier-Giorgio)
    • Liaison for ISO TC 211 (Geospatial standards - 19000 family) the information exchange is sufficient, but very broad. There is currently no direct link to geographical names issues since the ISO 19112 standard on "direct and indirect georeferencing" has been updated in 2017
    • ISO/OGC national contacts will be approached by Trent, Catherine and Pier-Giorgio concerning the disucssion on the Technical Reference Manual (data model, data services, data dissemination) → task see above
    • Connections with ISO TC 46 (langugae codes, transliteration) are strong and UNGEGN experts have had valuable influences on these ISO standards
    • The OGC Best Practices Document: 'Gazetteer Service -Application Profile of the Web Feature Service', Candidate Implementation Standard (OGC 11 122r1) has not be updated / finalised since 2012. The OGC Gazetteer Best Practice activity is closed! Information is available at:
  • ICAN (Catherine)
    • Liaison officer: Peeter Päll
    • Pier-Giorgio will involve Peeter for the next follow-up discussion regarding this subtask
  • Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu  Approach and invite Peeter Päll (liaison officer) for the follow-up discussions on subtask 2-ii-6 

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