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27.05.2021 Kick-Off Meeting




Tour de table

  • members: CZ, DE, ES, IT, PL, Helpdesk facilitators, JRC (Marco Minghini, Alexander Kotsev, Vlado Cetl, Lukasz Ziemba, Fabio Vinci)

Introduction, scope & organization of work

  • no mailing list
  • 4 meetings per year before MIG-T meetings
  • next meetings: 01.07.2021, 15 Uhr (only on bug fixes), 16.09.2021, 15 Uhr (all changes)
  • ad-hoc meetings when needed
  • external communications directly in the GitHub issues
tasks of sub-group
  • follow GitHub repositories
  • provide feedback to GitHub workflows if relevant
  • provide feedback on GitHub and in the meetings to change proposals
  • prepare report summarizing change proposals and short presentation for MIG-T Meetings (for endorsement)

Q&A, discussion

  • who can put/change labels? > JRC, helpdesk facilitators
  • change proposals received via other channels in the past will be collected and successively added to the new repositories (by JRC and helpdesk facilitators)

01.07.2021 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)


  • workflow and issue template added to TG repository
  • helpdesk facilitators will go through 82 change requests of former Community Forum and add them to GitHub, if still relevant
  • change requests that are already approved don't need to go through the whole process
  • discussion about versioning of schemas and updating UML models → needs to be further elaborated
  • change proposals to schemas and TG (opinion of the sub-group 2.3.1 is documented on GitHub)  

16.09.2021 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)



  • Jordi Escriu (neu beim JRC) will take the lead of sub-group 2.3.1
  • all change proposals regarding schemas approved by INSPIRE CT/MIG-T and by INSPIRE MIG in July 2021
  • release plan: release 2021.2 (planned for summer 2021) was postponed (further discussion on versioning rules needed)
  • TGs können jetzt konvertiert werden (JRC hat halb-automatisches Verfahren entwickelt und erfolgreich getestet)

INSPIRE schemas

  • versioning of schema releases

  • restructuring the schema repository

  • JRC hat lange über die verschiedenen Varianten diskutiert und ist noch nicht abschließend zu einer Lösung gekommen
  • other idea: use Git-version possibilities to maintain schemas (e.g. use branches) → URIs sollen nicht "github" enthalten, sondern die offzielle "inspire" URL → a harmonisation of both approaches might be interesting, e.g. output of latest schemas to official repository
  • discussion will be continued after the meeting


  • discussion on new change proposals
    • issue #6 (issue #1 and #3 closed)
    • issue #2 → add a new requirement instead of a note? sub-group agreed that a change is needed → approved by sub-group
    • issue #7 → guidance just informative (not a recommendation)


  • use of milestones in github

15.12.2021 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

Präsentationen / Notizen

Welcome and news on the Action: change proposals endorsed by the MIG, schema release, next steps

  • all change proposals approved by MIG-T and MIG
  • schema release v2021.2 (6 of 7 change proposals included, #7 required additional information)
  • repository has been cleaned and restructured (new folder with previous versions)
  • redirections in some cases were setup to preserve existing implementations
  • issues and pull requests are assigned to milestones, that have been created to plan the changes to be included in each release 

Discussion on new change proposals

Technical Guidance

Next meeting in March (before next MIG-T meeting)

24.03.2022 Status Meeting

Teilnehmende (de)

  • keine


  • Keine Stichwörter