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(This page cites from the INSPIRE announcement page)
Since 2014 a number of OGC, ISO and INSPIRE experts have teamed up in the scope of the activities of the INSPIRE Community Forum to identify the related issues and overcome the drawbacks by establishing best practices, evaluated and demonstrated through sample services. The outcome of this work is available from https://inspire-wcs.eu/ and has been endorsed by MIG-T as an INSPIRE good practice candidate. The present event constitutes the outreach webinar for this initiative, according to the procedure established for endorsing INSPIRE good practices.
In a recent workshop organized by JRC, participants have been walked through all stages of coverage provision and exploitation. Live demonstration platform was rasdaman which supports all INSPIRE Coverage components, namely WCS-Core and WCPS. Starting with a simple orthoimagery data file in GeoTIFF format, participants have learnt how to create the necessary additional INSPIRE metainformation, as well as how to import both the rastered data as well as the metainformation to a WCS instance. Once the data have been imported, participants could see WCS and WCPS in action, allowing users to query and process data and metadata in combination for portrayal or analysis.