Examine processes and recommend good practice

  1. on how single and multi-jurisdictional Member States record, store, disseminate and manage their geographical names

WG GNDM (for 2 and 3),
WG GNCH (for 1),

Report on good practices for each UNGEGN session to 2029

Task Team(s) of WG members:

Re 1)

Jasper Hogerwerf, Ingvil Nordland,
Teemu Leskinen, Aju Pudra, Young-Hoon Kim, Convenor



Ingvil Nordland (for 1)

For 1)

  1. Crosscheck the tasks with WG GNCH, particularly focus group 2 “Legislation, policies & best practices relating to geographical names” and seek collaboration
  2. Define more concrete what’s meant by the terms recordstoredisseminate and manage in this context (is it mainly office treatment of names as described in Chapter VII in the Manual or is the scope of the subtask broader?)
  3. Getting an overview of practices used by reading country reports and division reports
  4. Ask selected countries and/or divisions to elaborate their practices, for instance by inviting to virtual meetings/workshops in smaller groups to share experices
  5. Examine and evaluate selected practices more in detail and based on this come up with some recommendations (there is no “one size fit all" in terms of “good” practices, but there are practices that are better than others)

For 1)

  1. Report progress (as part of the WG report) each session
  2. Use findings to contribute to an update/revision of the Manual for the national standardization of geographical names

Update (as part of the WG report) at each session



2. for the reuse and validation of volunteered geographic Information, crowd sourced data and Linked Open Data (LOD) as part of national geographical names standardization work

Re 2)

Susan Birtles, Jasper Hogerwerf, Ingvil Nordland, Peder Gammeltoft, Aji Pudra, Young-Hoon Kim, Convenor

Jasper Hogerwerf (for 2 and 3)

For 2)
  1. Make an inventory of VGI and LD use cases in member states' SDIs
  2. Report on this in UNGEGN meeting(s)
  3. Encourage member states to report on VGI and LD use cases and their experiences
  4. Identify good practices based on theory and success stories (use cases and experiences)
  5. Prepare recommendations on VGI and LD use

For 2)

  1. Report(s) to UNGEGN meeting on VGI and LD use cases
  2. Report(s) and/or resolution(s) with recommendations on VGI and LD use

Update (as part of the WG report) at each session

05-2025 delayed

3. for the use of standardized geographical names as fundamental data theme in national spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) within the monitoring of the SDG indicator framework in order to analyze and monitor the changes in a country

Re 3)

Chair, Teemu Leskinen, Jasper Hogerwerf, Convenor

Jasper Hogerwerf (for 2 and 3)

For 3)

  1. Make an inventory of the position of geographical names as fundamental data theme in SDIs of member states

  2. Identify the role of geographical names within the SDG indicator framework

  3. Make recommendations on the reporting of the names standardization level of member states within the SDG indicator framework

For 3)

  1. Report on the position of geographical names within SDIs of member states
  2. Report with recommendations on the use of the SDG indicators to report on the level of geographical names standardization of member states

Update (as part of the WG report) at each session

05-2025 delayed

Progress on 25.06.2024

No actions possible. But on 28.06.2024 the WG decided that the task is still relevant! The questionnaire for the "Collaborative project" UN-GGIM-UNGEGN should include references to action 1-iii-8!

a) This is a sub-task which is two-folded; need to bridge onomastics and technical issues.

First step is to define the terms, invite the "Task Team" to discuss them and continue from there.

b) and c) A virtual LOD workshop took place in 2023 as a starting point → see subtask 1-iii-9

Progress on 22.09.2022

  • Discuss within the next WG GNDM about how to make a survey to collect and compile information --- Ingvil, Jasper
    • Explain and agree on how to proceed

Progress 26.04.2022

Status confirmed. Actions will be linked to subtask 1-iii-9

List of material

  • Keine Stichwörter

3 Kommentare

  1. Comment Teemu (01.10.2021):

    Because everything that happens and needs to be told happens somewhere, the importance of the availability of standardized place names for consistent and precise communication (both oral and written, including documents and maps) should be emphasized in SDG related contexts and this task?

  2. Benutzer-608fb sagt:

    1-ii-6-a Record, store, disseminate and manage

    General comments/questions

    • Do the terms record, store, disseminate and manage equals alle steps of the standardization process? (From field work/collection of names to the actual authorization and transcription, transliteration). We must define the terms for this task.
    • This subtask must be a cooperation between technical and onomastic expertise in each step (record, store, disseminate and manage).
    • We must be very careful recommending good or best practices based on what have worked well in other countries. Remember, a country´s political, historical, geographical and linguistic conditions are intertwined, and this must be tackled with caution. It is therefore important to map such information before recommending practices. Examples of elements to be mapped are language history, linguistic and/or ethnical diversity, names in oral vs written tradition, spelling norm (if established), naming practices, earlier or current struggles over naming or language etc., cultural history, political history, administration (for example a strong state or a more regionalized/localized structure), demography, topography, mapping practices etc.      
  3. Benutzer-608fb sagt:

    Tentative definitions 


    Definition: Gathering names from external sources, either directly (field work) or indirectly (e.g. local historical societies, external data files), and noting them for processing in a database. What information is collected: pronunciation, language characteristics (gender, cases / declination, etc.), feature type, coordinates.


    Definition: Processing and saving names in a database (and digitizing existing archives).


    Definition: Publishing and using names that are stored in a database.


    Definition: Having and using a system of collecting, recording, storing and disseminating geographical names. Creating a national standardization program, establish a national name authority, standardization principles, rules of procedures, maintenance of collections and datasets (remember that place names are not static datasets, names changes, evolve and die all the time).