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Kommentar: Finale Kommentierung durch MIG-P ergänzt
titleKommentierungszeitraum ist abgelaufen, bitte nicht mehr kommentieren!

Kommentierung-DE (am 07.10.2016 an dt. MIG-P-Vertretung übermittelt) | Finale Kommentierung-DE (am 14.10.2016 an EU-KOM durch dt. MIG-P Vertretung übermittelt)



Worum geht es?


ChapterParagraph/ Figure / Table/ ActionType of commentSeverity (minor, medium, critical)CommentsProposed changeKommentiert von (nur zur internen Verwendung)
1Page 6, 3. bullet point, addition at the end of the descriptiongemedium

(applicable only for those Member States lacking a precise planning and foreseeing that they will not be able to meet the INSPIRE time schedule) 

clarificationRalf Strehmel

e.g. prolog, 1, 2

e.g. page 1, 8, 9

edminorDG ENV, JRCSpell out abbreviations and define the used abreviations or link to a website.GDI-LSA
 prologpage 2ed minor Dates of versions (25/7/2016 - V 2.1, 14/7/2014 - V 2.2)The Dates are not in chronological order.GDI-LSA 
 prolog, 2e.g. page 3, page 9 edminorMIFSpell out abbreviations and define the used abreviations or link to a website.GDI-LSA
 1page 6, third point edminor UN-GGIM Spell out abbreviations and define the used abreviations or link to a website.GDI-LSA
 1page 6 ed minor footnote (2) ,The document is published and link is missing.Link has to be inserted.GDI-LSA 
 1page 7 edminorfootnote (4) COM (2016) 179, Link is missing. Link has to be inserted. GDI-LSA 
 2page 9, first point ed critical The technical guidlines for invocable Spatial Data Services are not completed.Use another example, because the technical guidelines for invocable Spatial Data Services are not completed.GDI-LSA
 3, 4, Annex 1, 3page 12, 15, 26, 42edminorDSM Spell out abbreviations and define the used abbreviations or link to a Website.GDI-LSA