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Worum geht es?

The action will define alternative encoding rules (mainly for the purpose of viewing/analysis in mainstream GIS systems) for a number of selected application schemas and a template and procedure for proposing and endorsing additional encoding rules in the future.

Specifically, it will carry out the following tasks:

1. Develop concrete proposals for alternative encodings

a. In collaboration with thematic communities (through the Thematic Clusters platform and MIWP-14 sub-group), collect proposals for alternative encodings. These can be based on existing examples and/or on specific use cases and requirements. The proposals can be cross-cutting (i.e. cover all INSPIRE themes) or specific for one or several related themes.

b. In agreement with the MIG-T, prioritise the collected examples and select a small number of proposals, for which alternative encodings will be developed by the action.

c. For the selected examples, develop encoding rules that explain how (and/or under which conditions) the proposed encoding meets the requirements of the IRs. The action should also consider the potential loss of information for certain encodings and discuss whether such "lossy" encodings are meeting the IR requirements.

2. Define a template and procedure for proposing and endorsing additional encoding rules

a. Based on the work on (1a), elaborate a template for proposals for additional encoding rules. The template should cover the actual encoding rule (including possible approaches for explicitly documenting mappings in UML), but also target use cases, expected benefits, known limitations and tools for conformity testing & validation.

b. Develop a procedure for how additional encoding rules can be proposed using the template and checked/endorsed by the MIG, and how these are referred to from the existing data specification TGs.

c. Develop a proposal for the update or maintenance of endorsed encoding rules.

d. Create a repository of addition encoding rules that have been endorsed by the MIG.

e. Develop a proposal for documenting the used encoding rules in data set/service metadata.

3. Give recommendations on an update of D2.7 Encoding Guidelines (for future work)

The full action mandate is attached: MIWP-2017.2_Alternative_encodings_Action_mandate_endorsed.pdf

Wer sollte sich an der Sammlung beteiligen?

Jeder, der sich mit der Kodierung der Datenspezifikationen beschäftigt und Vorschläge oder Beispiele zu Vereinfachungen oder alternativen Encodings kennt.

Relevante Verordnungen und Technical Guidance Dokumente? 

Interoperabilität von Datensätzen und -diensten


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