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Tour de table

  • members: CZ, DE, ES, IT, PL, Helpdesk facilitators, JRC (Marco Minghini, Alexander Kotsev, Vlado Cetl, Lukasz Ziemba, Fabio Vinci)

Introduction, scope & organization of work


  • no mailing list
  • 4 meetings per year before MIG-T meetings
  • next meetings: 01.07.2021, 15 Uhr (only on bug fixes), 16.09.2021, 15 Uhr (all changes)
  • ad-hoc meetings when needed
  • external communications directly in the GitHub issues

tasks of sub-group

  • follow GitHub repositories
  • provide feedback to GitHub workflows if relevant
  • provide feedback on GitHub and in the meetings to change proposals
  • prepare report summarizing change proposals and short presentation for MIG-T Meetings (for endorsement)

Q&A, discussion

  • who can put/change labels? > JRC, helpdesk facilitators
  • change proposals received via other channels in the past will be collected and successively added to the new repositories (by JRC and helpdesk facilitators)

  • Keine Stichwörter