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titleInfo | 17.06.2019

Information der EU-KOM zum Stand der Fortschreibung zur Sitzung der MIG am 20.06.2019

The Commission has drafted a revision of COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services. This revision implements the changes agreed in the 8th MIG meeting and also factors in the corrigenda agreed by the MIG in 2016.

The main changes to the Regulation can be summarised as follows.

  • replacing the explicit mentioning of code list and enumeration values in the IR text with a reference to the INSPIRE registry, where these values are now managed, under the governance of the MIG;
  • a clarification on provision of values for voidable attributes and those attributes for which no value may exist (minimum multiplicity 0);
  • and a mechanism to allow additional coordinate reference systems, under the governance of the MIG.

The revision is the result of the technical, preparatory process. For the moment the document is under scrutiny of the Commission Services. Seen the nature and the technicality of the proposed revisions it is expected that a first draft review can be shared with the MIG for feedback in September 2019 at the earliest.
