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Activities and meetings

Next meeting of the Working Group jointly with ECSEE Division and EuroGeoNames
Zagreb, Croatia, in 2011, February 10

Preliminary schedule:
February 9 -11 ECSEE Division meeting (full day + half day morning + additional time)
February 10 WG TDFG meeting (half day afternoon, starting at 13 hours)
February 11 EuroGeoNames Workshop (full day) 
Preliminary agenda for the UNGEGN WG TDFG meeting (13-18 hours):

  1. WG business according to the next 26th UNGEGN session## general preparation - re-structuring of WP presentation under item 10
    1. specific items to be discussed
  2. UN global geographical information committee and the upcoming UN global forum
  3. WG business according to its objectives## Follow-up workshop e.g. on implementation of the INSPIRE GN specification?## Lessons-learned from national and regional projects involving gazetteer applications & services, e.g. AfricaGaz, EGN, Google## Outreach/contacts in less advanced countries## Representation at international meetings, technical workshops WG business according to liaison activities Unicode; OGC; ISO## ISO TC 211## OGC WG on Gazetteers
    1. Unicode

Further information:
Details about the meetings and further location information are available on the ECSEE Division web site , subpage "Join meetings: ECSEED, WG TDFG and EGN".

XXIV International Congress of Onomastic Sciences in Barcelona,
5-9 September 2011.

Deadline for submitting abstracts is 15 December 2010.

  • Keine Stichwörter