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Notes by Pier-Giorgio

Discussion of UNGEGN's Work Program - tasks affiliated to the WG GNDM

General issues

Susan proposes to differntiate/categorize the tasks in 

  1. Program tasks
  2. Projects
  3. Management tasks?

Pier-Giorgio will discuss with Victoria about how to implement this request. It might be better discussed further based upon the development of the actions of the sub-tasks.

Sub-task 1-i-1

This sub-task is a mixture of a 1.) Program task and maybe of 2.) Project (because of the UNGEGN database activity). 

  •  @all  To be decided later how this sub-tasks can be categorized
Sub-task 1-i-2

Teemu proposes to make an inventory

There is agreement to organise a seprate discussion on this sub-task 1-i-2 on 'Evaluate and assess exchange standards...' in order to agree upon feasible steps.

Invite all Task Team members as well as Susan.

  •  : Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu Organise a separate discussion on sub-task 1-i-2 'Evaluate and assess exchange standards...' end October / early November 2021
Sub-task 1-i-3

It is agreed to structure a web page for the presentations at conferences / workshops and articles in publications focusing the topics of the WG GNDM as a staring point and grow it from there. 

  • Victoria Fölsing Create a web page for a list of presentations and publications related to the WG GNDM
Sub-task 1-i-4

No action to be started yet. This sub-task is assessed annually

Sub-task 1-i-5

It has to be clarified, evaluated and assessed what the intention of this sub-task is? 

A further discussion has to be started with the Secretariat (Cecille) and others

The US GNS database provides already a great amount of geographical names

  • Benutzer-e2115 Organise a separate discussion on sub-task 1-i-5 'establishment of an authoritative international database/gazetteer...' end October / early November 2021
Sub-task 1-i-6

a) This is a sub-task which is two-folded; need to bridge onomastics and technical issues.

First step is to define the terms, invite the Task Team to discuss them and continue from there.

b) and c) There is agreement to schedule a virtual LOD workshop in early spring/summer 2022 as a starting point

Susan, Jasper and Peder will start to discuss about how to structure it:  objectives, target group, invited speakers, etc.

One objective might be to create"non-technical guidlines"

Sub-Task 1-i-7

The discussion forum will be kept as it is. No further action here.

The wiki platform will be used for the communication and development of the actions supporting the Work Program.

Next meeting:  08.10.2021, 09:00 CET

Notes from Follow-up meeting on 08.10.2021
Sub-task 1-iii-8

Information/results of several surveys on free/accessible/open geographical names data should be compiled.

Secretariat (Cecille) might provide information from the Sec's side. Catherine has done some work on this in UK and can share results.

Sub-task 1-iii-9

Peder will get in touch with Susan and Jasper and discuss next steps. (→ see Sub-task 1-i-6)

  • Benutzer-b5c7c Organise a separate discussion on sub-task 1-iii-9 considering sub-task 1-i-6  
Sub-task 1-iii-10

A systematic call in order to evaluate and assess innovative methods to be used for Romanization seems to be needed. 

The WG RS will take care of this task.

Sub-task 2-ii-6

The continuation and communication of the liaisions with existing groups and their exploration of further effective ways of cooperation need a separate discussion.

The main objective is: analyse how UNGEGN can benefit and what is expected/required by the liaised organisations.

A liaison list can be obtained through the Secretariat (Cecille)

For SCAR (SCAGI) = Catherine Cheetham

For ICIS, ICA, IGU = Peter Jordan

For IHO, PAIGH = Trent Palmer

  •  Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu  Organise a separate discussion on sub-task 2-ii-6 on 'Liaisons with Organisations' inviting key players
Sub-task 4-ii-9

A separate discussion will be organised  on the involvement of the academia between Peder and Ingvil first.

  • Benutzer-b5c7c Organise a separate discussion on sub-task 4-ii-9 on 'involvement of the academia'

  • Keine Stichwörter